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    Let's see where this all goes.

    Ace Fresca
    Ace Fresca

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    Age : 29

    Let's see where this all goes. Empty Let's see where this all goes.

    Post by Ace Fresca Wed Sep 12, 2018 3:30 pm

    Yotsuba Island; a tiny little Navy island in East blue and the first real step in the direction of freedom for one Monty Fresco, Jr. -- also known as the rookie bounty hunter Fresh. He was currently only a bounty hunter at the moment by self proclamation, but this was only the start of what Fresh hoped was a life of exciting adventures and self fulfillment. Coming to Yotsuba was a bit of a baby step, anywho. His father, Monty Fresco, Sr., was still rather protective of his son despite him being twenty three years old, so this was as far as his father was going to let him get on his own bill. From here he would have to find his own way.

    Though Fresh was more than eager to really get started on his adventure, he wasn't just going to up and leave this island after just setting foot here. Shells Town was almost completely occupied by marines and had a relatively low crime rate, sure, but perhaps there was some pie he could stick his finger in here to get a taste of his career. It really couldn't hurt to just get a walk about town and see what was going on, after all. If there really was nothing he could get up to here he could easily just leave this evening or tomorrow morning and try again elsewhere. East Blue was considered the weakest of the Blues, sure, but it held a great amount of islands and on at least a few of those were criminals causing trouble that could be stopped for a price.

    Fresh took a stroll off of the docks and stepped foot into the actual town proper. He took his right palm off of the pommel of his sword where it had been resting and used it to scratch his chin. "I'm even not sure where to start, really. I haven't had this much freedom in a long time. Perhaps... a restaurant? Or an inn? Both?"

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    Let's see where this all goes. Empty Re: Let's see where this all goes.

    Post by Zouly Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:19 pm

    The sun was shinning rather nicely today, the wind blow just strong enough to push a small body towards what seemed to be an island. The boat was small indeed as it only had one sail in the center and that was it, but laying on the boat was a man, probably 5 feet 7 inches to 5 feet 10 inches in height with blonde hair and a olive green jacket. The man didnt seem to mind the wind or the sun as he just laid there, looking up even few minutes to see how close he was to the island. "This better be a real Island and not a merge again." he said to himself as he watched the island came closer and closer.

    After a few minutes or so, the small ship was at the dock and had actually crashed into the docks but the man didnt care, he grabbed his bag and jumpped off the boat, leaving it to sink. He looked around and noticed another man with a sword on his hip, he smiled at the man and waved before heading off into the town. This was his first island after escaping from being a fighting machine so he had to start get use to big crowds and how that was going to happen, he didnt know but he was quite smart. He smiled as he headed for a small inn/tavern known as the "Yawning Yak." it was packed to the brim with all sorts of people, but he managed to find a table in the corner so he could watch the people around him more easily.

    Last edited by Zouly on Sat Sep 29, 2018 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Ace Fresca
    Ace Fresca

    Posts : 94
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    Join date : 2018-09-11
    Age : 29

    Let's see where this all goes. Empty Re: Let's see where this all goes.

    Post by Ace Fresca Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:54 pm

    Before Fresh could get any further on his train of thought, he heard a crashing sound behind him. The bounty hunter turned out to find a guy with blonde hair who couldn't have been too much younger than him clambering out of a sinking boat and rushing off of the docks in the direction of town. Whilst he was in a hurry, he didn't exactly seem to be in any kind of distress. In fact, the owner of the capsizing vessel actually smiled and waved to Fresh as he sped on by. "Hmmm," Fresh said, vocalizing his perplexion. "I can't say I've seen that happen before."

    Forgetting about that for just a moment, Fresh decided to do just as that guy had done and wander off into the town to see what could be done. "So, a restaurant... or an inn? What about a tavern? That's probably a better place to ask questions," he mused, continuing to scratch his chin. As he continued down the street, he looked around to see if there were any businesses that were going to catch his attention.

    Finally, he found more or less what he was looking for. A place called the Yawning Yak. "That sounds like a place I could go to if I wanted to ask some questions." With that, he entered the establishment. Sure enough, there were all sorts of people moving about the place. It was certainly a lively place, and being so close to the dock it meant that they probably had information. His next step, then, would be to ask the bartender...

    That is, until he got done getting a look around. Sure enough, the guy who had just let his crashed boat sink on the dock was sitting peacefully in the corner watching everyone else go by. "Well, that's quite a coincidence," Fresh said to himself. He decided that his investigating could wait. He slowly approached the man's table as to not seem menacing or aggressive, though it was pretty clear as soon as he entered that he was making a beeline for the guy. When Fresh finally reached the table, he cleared his throat and addressed the blonde individual. "I don't mean to bother you, but you've certainly piqued my interest by crashing your boat into the docks and just leaving it there to come to a bar." Fresh motioned to one of the empty chairs. "Could I have a seat?"

    Last edited by Ace Fresca on Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:05 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : changing "Zesty Zebra" to "Yawning Yak")

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    Let's see where this all goes. Empty Re: Let's see where this all goes.

    Post by Zouly Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:56 pm

    The man set at the table and pulled a small piece of paper from his bag, a list was written on the paper and he pulled out a pen and crossing out a name. He looked up from his paper to notice a woman standing in front of him, "What can i get you honey" She asked as she gave him a flirty smile. "2 waters please and some food." He said with a irritated attitude. She just looked at him and nodded before heading off to the kitchen to give in an order. He set there alone for a moment watching the people come and go. There was a table of 5 marines playing a game of poker it seemed like, as well as some pirates or shady looking people at the bar.

    The waitress came back and put down a plate of food, it was some biscuits with country fried steak and potatos as he thanked her and began to eat. After a moment of eating and drinking his water, he looked up to notice a man standing in front of him.

    "I don't mean to bother you, but you've certainly piqued my interest by crashing your boat into the docks and just leaving it there to come to a bar. Could I have a seat?" asked a man standing before him.

    The man at the table looked around and nodded as he didnt see any other spots open. "Sure. Dmitri Jones." The man with the food said as he stayed seated and put his hand out to shake.
    Ace Fresca
    Ace Fresca

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    Age : 29

    Let's see where this all goes. Empty Re: Let's see where this all goes.

    Post by Ace Fresca Sun Sep 16, 2018 9:05 am

    Fresh took a good moment to look at this guy. If he had to guess he was a few years younger than Fresh was, not that that really mattered. He seemed to be doing just fine on his own, after all... sans the whole boat sinking in the dock thing that had allured Fresh to want to talk to him in the first place. Just by looking at him he couldn't even tell what the guy did for a living. He was wearing relatively normal clothing (though much more colorful than anything Fresh could see himself wearing) and he wasn't visibly packing any kind of weaponry on him.

    As the man extended his hand and introduced himself as Dmitri Jones, Fresh noticed he had bandages wrapped around both of his hands. Fresh grabbed Dmitri's hand and shook it without hesitation. "I'm Fresh. It's a pleasure." With that the bounty hunter pulled a chair out and sat across from Dmitri. As he sat down he took a very quick look around. He didn't want to be rude by asking to sit down then seeming disinterested, but he also hadn't actually look to see what he was dealing with in here. There were various types of people in the place, though the five uniformed seamen playing poker at their own table meant that he probably didn't have to worry about any trouble in here. That was good.

    Fresh turned his head back in time to see the waitress quickly returning to their table. "What can I get you, honey?" "One pint of grog, please." As she hurried off to pour him some grog, Fresh decided to break the ice since he was the one that wanted to sit down in the first place. "You are a traveler as well, I'm guessing. What is it that you do?" Fresh took a very obvious glance at Dmitri's hands. "Do you wear those bandages because you have burns?" That was really the only thing he could think of to explain the wraps. Perhaps he was a chef, or a pyromaniac. There was probably a better and more obvious answer, but that was what he was going with. Fresh had never claimed to be a very insightful person.

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    Let's see where this all goes. Empty Re: Let's see where this all goes.

    Post by Zouly Sat Sep 29, 2018 9:29 pm

    Dmitri looked at the man, he then started to dig into his food, he hadn't eaten in a while so this was some good food. He watched the place closely as he eat and even watched the man named Fresh, which was a very interesting name to say the least. The bar was still hopping and it seemed like the marines at the table were still playing their game but Dmitri notice that they would look around every few moments. To the left of Dmitri and Fresh was a man in a black suit that was standing in front of a doorway with purple curtains as the door and he looked like he was guarding something.

    Fresh started to ask Dmitri some question which seemed to be rather weird as they first met but he didn't really care much to not answer them. "Yea i'm a Traveler. I'm mainly fighter, thats why i came to this bar and my hands are bandaged" he said as he took another big bite of his food and looked to the man Fresh, this bar was secretly known for its underground fight club. "My main job is bounty hunter" He lied to Fresh, telling him he was a pirate in a bar with marines would be stupid, most people yell about him being a pirate or try to capture him but he didnt have a bounty yet.

    " 26 bars throughout the world all have a secret underground fight club. They are owned by the Fin Fang Family of fighters. They rank from Z to A, Z behind the weakest while A being the strongest but to get to fight at the top bar, you have to beat all other 25 bars. Thats why im here." He said as he slide the piece of paper with 25 bar names on it it looked like this.

    • Zesty Zebra
    • Yawning Yak
    • Unknown - Location: West Blue
    • Whistling Walrus
    • Venting Vulture
    • Unimpressed Unicorn
    • Talking Toad
    • Sulking Swordfish
    • Ranting Rat
    • Quiet Quill
    • Punching Porcupine
    • Obese Octopus
    • Napping Narwhal
    • Mad Monkey
    • Lying Llama
    • Killer Kangaroo
    • Jumping Jellyfish
    • Irritated Iguana
    • Happy Horse
    • Galloping Gar
    • Finger giving Ferret
    • Educated Elephant
    • Dancing Dragon
    • Chattering Camel
    • Boxing Babirusa
    • Unknown

    "That is the list of all the fight clubs, i will take them down and rain over them." Dmitri said with a tense stare and then started eating and drinking again.
    Ace Fresca
    Ace Fresca

    Posts : 94
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    Join date : 2018-09-11
    Age : 29

    Let's see where this all goes. Empty Re: Let's see where this all goes.

    Post by Ace Fresca Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:51 am

    "You are a martial artist, then?" Well, that certainly explained all of Fresh's questions more or less at once. A martial artist could be a rather reckless and lone traveler that would want to keep their hands wrapped. Fresh was more intrigued, however, by the fact that Dmitri had said that he was a bounty hunter as well. "And you are also a bounty hunter? I am one as well." Fresh paused and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms and looking away for a moment. "Though admittedly, I haven't actually hunted any criminals yet."

    Fresh had all sorts of questions for a fellow bounty hunter. Before he could vocalize any, the barmaid returned with a pint of grog for him. "Here you are, honey." "Thank you very much." Fresh handed her the appropriate amount of money and she gave him a flirtatious wink. As she headed to another table. The flirting went right over his head – which is surprising considering his ridiculous hairstyle – and he took a sip of his grog and turned back to Dmitri. It wasn't half bad. It was then that Dmitri explained to him the Fin Fang family fighting circuit and handed him the slip of paper.

    "A worldwide underground fighting circuit...?" It was definitely nothing Fresh had ever heard of, but considering Dmitri's rather determined tone and serious facial expression it was clear that it wasn't a joke. "And your task is to become the champion of all of these places. That's quite a goal." Fresh pushed the piece of paper back towards Dmitri as he had no further use of it, then taking a swig of his grog. "I'm more of a swordfighter, so that whole business is a bit out of my range. But it does sound very interesting. Would I be allowed to at least spectate your match?"

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