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    I too would like to sea food.


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    I too would like to sea food. Empty I too would like to sea food.

    Post by Outcast_Hero Wed Nov 07, 2018 5:33 pm

    It was a sunny afternoon, not too many clouds in the sky so one would know The Sun would be annoyance on the eyes. All someone would have to do is look up and yep, there's a giant fireball in the sky glaring at everyone with it's out of reach narcissistic presence. There was a little breeze coming in from the coast, nothing too bad but it did help from the heat coming from The Sun. It was almost the perfect day to be outside and relax... except for the fact that's not why Eugene was out and about. He was in the area for one thing really, looking for a potential job.

    The docks were a happening place at just about all times. It was nice that it wasn't busy enough to not have room to move, but it was busy enough to almost feel like it with how people were scurrying about with hauling cargo and other needs around. There had to be somewhere that would require his services... well, if he really had any services to give. It made Eugene stumped as he had to ponder what either he could do or wanted to do for work.

    He wasn't really skilled at fishing, something he learned many years ago. Cargo, well, some of it seemed easy work but other times it made him worry about his health watching much bigger guys struggle with some of the workload. Was he really fit for some of this work? He was kinda tough, but nowhere near as built nor durable as some of the workmen in the area. There was also the troubling issue that not many restaurants wanted someone with little skill to work in their kitchens, especially due to the amount of picky customers, let alone regular customers. Wash dishes? The places at home didn't want to waste their time on someone they deemed unfit.

    "Gosh." Eugene sighed "Sure feels like a waste coming here today. Not much to do, not really seeing any flyers looking for any additional help, which ironically doesn't help. Mom's got too much on her plate, feels like I'm off to the side and sis is just... well so 'wonderful' and has a decent employment gig going for her. How the crap am I lacking? What am I good at, if anything? Hmmm..." Eugene muttered to himself while looking around. "Might as well take a better look around town while trying to stay out of the way."

    Eugene starts to stroll around town.


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    I too would like to sea food. Empty Re: I too would like to sea food.

    Post by Dante Sun Nov 11, 2018 11:34 pm

    Serena had 2 friends to call her own that she had met, and one mysterious person known only to her as 'nurse' that she had not met yet but seemed to be in Sister Sera's good graces thus that made them okay as well she figured. Serena was headed into town to snoop around for some leads on good materials for something she wanted to try out. However in doing so she was thinking about the events of the previous day and reveling in the happiness that she felt She nearly rammed into a Young man with hair like fire. She stopped herself by lightly tapping his shoulder with her hand as a buffer for her momentum "i am so terribly sorry." Serena said bowing her head to the young man. who was fairly easy on the eyes in his black shirt and jean pants. "I just kinda loose track of my thoughts some times." Serena said trying to give reason for her transgression.

    Serena noticed that he seemed like he had something on his mind as well. Serena was in a gold Starred blue swimsuit a white cross top with a skull and cross bones Bandanna and her usual goggles and Sash Skirt. Her hair blazing gold in the sunlight and her eyes like fresh water pools of blue that one could sink into if they looked too long. "Is everything okay? It seems like something is on your mind, I have been told talking about things takes their weight off of you" Serena said trying to do a good deed for this gentleman because well... doing good, felt good. Really. Especially for Serena who was a few short of a bag of marbles. Doing the right thing, she had no idea of the implications of such things as they say 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions' however she has yet to face a situation where being nice has bit her butt.

    Serena Had to Build a ship before her and her new friends could embark on their life of pirate adventure, however she didn't just want any old plain Jane ship that just wouldn't do. She had witnessed many a spectacular vessel in her days since leaving her home island and she had to compete with them if she was going to ever be able to call herself the best. which was something she could strive for, After all what it meant to be the best she had no idea, however people talked as if it was the greatest thing to accomplish with ones life and she wanted to do that. She wanted to be the Freest and the best. A totally reasonable goal for an air head who would basically be dragged through reality kicking and screaming probably.

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    I too would like to sea food. Empty Re: I too would like to sea food.

    Post by Outcast_Hero Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:59 am

    Suddenly, a voice called out from behind him in regards to being sorry and supposed eavesdropping. He turned and came face to face with a blonde girl his height. Being approached by women wasn't often, especially without some snide remark. Wait, she said something about lifting weight or taking off weight? A horrified look slowly crept across Eugene's face. It can't be!?

    "Oh no... am I getting fat?" Eugene muttered. He quickly glanced himself over and then back to the lady whom approached him. "Have I gained weight and not noticed?! No, it can't be I haven't- Wait, what did you say again?" Eugene gave this girl a quick down and up glance. She was really pretty... too pretty. Eh, maybe this female could help Eugene, in one way or another, whether it be helping him open up a new perspective or just to distract himself from the jobless dread looming over him.

    "Oh, right... Talking about your problems... Sorry, you said weight and I slowly became self-aware about my slightly out of shape body and thought I was getting fat. Ugh." Eugene shuddered then scratched the back of his head. "Nah, I'm mostly just mixed between being zoned out and stumped because I need to look for a job so that my mom will get off my ass about not being productive. I mean-" Eugene paused to stretch "I mean, I kinda get it if she's worried about me, but I'm mostly mediocre when it comes to skills. So I'm feeling a bit helpless because I honestly don't have a solid plan on how to look for a job." Eugene slumped his head as he rubbed his face for a bit then looked back at the blonde girl.

    "So, what brings you to the docks today, food? work? Gonna go fish or go for a swim?" Eugene's approach to people showed he didn't have the best social skills. Shouldn't he have introduced himself to her? More thoughts crept throughout his mind after the fact.


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    I too would like to sea food. Empty Re: I too would like to sea food.

    Post by Dante Fri Nov 23, 2018 6:22 pm

    It seemed he had misunderstood what she had said and become self conscious, this was not her intention and she took what he said in response too literally of course. "I wouldn't say that you look heavy, i would say that you look great" Serena said with a broad smile. It seemed he realized what she said afterwards though and said that his mother was worried about him finding work. Hmm, that was quite the problem. It seemed that by not wanting to make her worry he in turn became the one that was worrying. Serena wasn't exactly an expert on helping people but she sure did like to try. What to do what to say... well There was that one time.

    It reminded her of herself when she had first left the island. Ah! that was it, the same advice that she had gotten. "Well, In that case. What do you like to do? Someone once told me that if you aren't particularly good at something thats fine as long as you enjoy doing it and keep practicing you will eventually get better" Serena said with a big smile hoping the same wisdom that once helped her was going to help him as well. When she had left her home island she came to a place with Abnormal customs and abnormal society (normal stuff she grew up alone in a dump) someone had offered her this wisdom as a way to try to get her on track, at first it was confusing for her because well... Everything made her happy, she had decided though that building the ship that got her off her home island was something that made her extra happy. This led her down the path of a shipwrite trading her at the time very poor repair skills for rides she went from island to island learning skills and techniques as well as new things that ships would have.

    Then the question came of what brought her out here today. Well truth be told she was on her way from the docks to the market district so that she could try to look for some materials for the ship she was to build. For her and her companions to go on their adventure as pirates. She had somewhat of an idea what her first ship would look like and approximately what it would be made of but the price had to be right, Mr. Sampson had agreed to offset the cost for her as she had been working very hard for very little pay as she wasn't a materialistic person she rarely asked for more than what she needed to get by. Not that he wouldn't have helped her anyways he was just a really good guy.

    Serena wondered what kind of stuff this one liked to do, it was always cool hearing peoples interests to her as she had no idea what all the world had to offer her and she could only really build ships well not talk to people or do other things. He listed a bunch of things but she wasn't even sure what half of them were. "well, My comrades and i are planning to set sail, I need to find materials so that i can build a ship so that we can be on our way to adventure and freedom" Serena said probably giving away too much. Though at the very least she had remembered that she wasn't supposed to tell people they were pirates it seemed that being free didn't make everyone who couldn't be free happy. . .

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    I too would like to sea food. Empty Re: I too would like to sea food.

    Post by Outcast_Hero Sun Nov 25, 2018 2:54 pm

    (ooc: Yeah, figured I should go ahead and color my speaking as well, does look a little confusing when it's not colored and blends in with my actions and whatnot... Sorry.)

    "Ahh." Eugene uttered as he pondered her words of advice, perspective and goals for the day. He gave a slight grin at her mentioning that he looked great. Setting sail for adventure, building a boat, comrades or friends, Eugene somehow never got to experience much fun in his earlier days. He'd heard about the possible terrors of the seakings and how they can swallow people whole and that made him shiver. Living in just a small sector of an island his whole life seemed outstandingly boring and unhealthy.

    He slumped a little and folded his arms while expressing a look of deep thought. How would this girl standing before him be able to carry supplies around town? 'Wait. Duh, she would only need to put in an order of sorts and then they'd be delivered to her. Silly Eugene, getting ahead of myself here.' As he finished his though he loosened his left arm to grab both sides of his face as he closed his thumb and fingers to grip the bridge of his nose then shook his head to clear himself.

    "Well, I guess to start off, I suppose an introduction would be helpful. I could use a little practice on giving someone a brief expression of who I am and what I would inspire to be... right?" Eugene took a few deep breaths as he rested his hands on his hips and shrugged his shoulders. He paused to think but took another deep breath to ease himself further.

    "Alright, my name is Eugene. I... may not have the best confidence, nor the best ways of conveying my words let alone getting things done right at the first time, but I have heart and a willing to learn. That said, I don't mind manual labor here and there, I have a desire to learn how to cook as to better myself in the future in the event I must depend on myself. I mean, it's necessary, I also enjoy most foods, not too fond of onions." He said as he gave a slight sour look on his face then straightened up as he punched the palm of his other hand "I do believe positive encouragement helps the desire to get better over constant nagging which just kills the mood."

    "So, you're gonna build a boat to go sailing with your friends? That sounds pretty cool, I'm mostly mediocre at best when it comes to building things. Seems like a pretty fun project. Some of the shops are pretty good around here when it comes to supplies and service. Hardly ever seen any disappointed customers down here in the docks. So, I wouldn't think you could go wrong looking around. But freedom and adventure... sure sounds nice. Go wherever the wind takes ya, right?" Eugene gave a shrugging gesture to emphasize his question to show interest in what she had to say.


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    I too would like to sea food. Empty Re: I too would like to sea food.

    Post by Dante Tue Nov 27, 2018 11:57 am

    It seemed he would like to Practice telling her his qualifications to better help him look for a job... well.. Shit, She wished Sister Sera or Adam were here, they would be far better suited for that. But if all he needed was to get it out she was an apt listener at least. He introduced himself as Eugene after she had acknowledged with a nod that she would listen and do her best to help him with his expression though she herself was garbage at it. She had realized only after he introduced himself that she had forgotten to do so herself again... She really had to get better about that. She was sure Sister Sera would be ashamed after all Sera always introduced herself right away and so elegantly too. She would have to make up for her blunder when he was done. Though that went out the window when she heard that he wanted to be a cook.

    Not only that he went on to say that he was Fond of the fact that they were going to have a life of freedom and Adventure.. Impulsive as it was she was naive as they come and trusting to boot. She knew what she could do to help him surprisingly, or at least she could try her best and she didn't have to do very much to do it which was good because she wasn't great at anything other than ship building and at the very least he said he was getting better and that was all that mattered to Serena because though she was a good ship builder she didn't consider herself good because she couldn't call herself the best so she just looked at it as she was trying her best and improving every day. "Well, I myself consider willingness to learn and trying to be a little better every time great. I think anyone would be lucky to have a person like that around." Serena said

    That settled it for her though he seemed interested in the life that they were setting out for and to her, that would be part of his freedom if he was able to do so with good company. "Well, Why not just come with us if the life of freedom, Friends and Adventures interests you. We Could use someone who wants to become a great cook because though Adam offered his cooking skills it seems he wouldn't like to do it all the time. Therefor if you wanted to go we would be happy to have you and even if you are still learning that's just part of the adventure." Serena said with a smile she might have done something really good for someone and for them at the same time that felt good for her.

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    I too would like to sea food. Empty Re: I too would like to sea food.

    Post by Outcast_Hero Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:29 am

    "Wow, that's... Well, yeah that's quite a nice gesture, thanks." Eugene was at a loss not stumped, well okay he was stumped at such an open, yet sudden offer, but overwhelmed along with her compliment towards him. 'This seems a bit too good to be true, but... what the hell, I'll bite. Mom might get angry with me, but hey at least I won't be a bother to her. I'm old enough to where I really shouldn't be living at home anymore. I- I am getting ahead of myself here... aren't I? Hmmm...'

    Eugene nodded a bit while in deep thought about the whole thing. Wasn't all that often that he was complimented whenever he had a desire to learn. That made him feel welcomed in the moment due to constant negative criticism, not in the helpful way, but the 'You just need to do such and such better, don't ask how I can't tell you' way. It was no wonder he was normally unmotivated to do things, but maybe... just maybe... Eugene might have something going for him?

    "Yeah... yeah okay I'll bite." Eugene sighed while nodding his head "I'll bite. So, as for the whole 'I don't wanna cook all the time' I get it. That tends to be bothersome when you have to do chores multiple times without taking turns and the task feels mundane and draining. So I don't blame him for feeling that way." Eugene scratched his chin while thinking about past moments at home in relevance to the situations. "Sorry, I tend to prattle myself into a long-winded journey that goes nowhere... I gotta learn to work on that. But, I never did ask for your name did I? I suppose that if I should be heading out on an adventure of freedom, I should get to know the people I'll be tagging along with a bit better."


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    I too would like to sea food. Empty Re: I too would like to sea food.

    Post by Dante Wed Jan 30, 2019 5:16 pm

    It seemed he was willing to come with them, this was a momentous occasion... or at least she was pretty sure right? This was good for them, this meant they would have someone to do cooking which Adam didn't want to do all the time. She couldn't cook at all which i mean she didn't do anything but 1 thing well which was build and repair ships and tinker with other additions. It was now that she realized she had never introduced herself Persephone would surely be cross with her if she didn't get better about her interactions. "Of course i am so sorry" Serena said bowing her head again trying to show respect it was something she had learned from an oddly dressed gentleman with his hair up in a ball on top of his head which seemed kind of silly to her. "My Name is Serena it was given to me by well. Me, I think. And what is your name kind cook in training?" Serena said trying to make up for her mistake with proper etiquette that would hopefully make sister sera proud of her.

    "You can take your time with that, who knows how long our adventure will take us right?" Serena said with a warm smile as she realized that he should probably spend some time with his family before they left. Family was important according to the Nice man In jail. "We won't be leaving for a little while though. We still need a ship and umm.. Probably other stuff... Sister Sera and Adam have been very helpful but i am afraid i am still not quite up to speed. You will have to come meet them they will be so happy you are joining us." Serena said getting distracted from her thoughts before she managed to reel them back in "You said you have family though, You should probably spend time with them before we go, who knows when you would see them next." Serena said with a slightly less chipper but still beaming tone.

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