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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)


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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by Robotnik Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:09 pm

    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Wiping10

    "Ok, today's chores are done.... time to get back home and study.... hopefully without Mom and Dad and Colin deciding it's more important to party...." He sighed. "Who am I kidding, of course they will.... But it's not like the Marines will let me study in their base. And I can't just go across the island to find a spot...."

    Julian was barely a fully grown adult.... he was just old enough to start his entry exam to get into the Navy.... and he needed to study. It was for a multitude of reasons.... to get away from his family... to get off the island... to finally be able to HELP THE WORLD... He had so many ideas. So many inventions to create....

    With Navy funding, he'd be able to do it ALL. It would be wonderful. Fantastic.... GLORIOUS.....

    He just needed to study.

    And so, when he arrived home, as quietly as he could, he sat down in his room and opened up his text books.....

    And began to study....

    Having no idea that his family were about to give him the biggest reason of his life to finally get the HELL of this island...

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:33 pm

    As the lad approached his home, there was nothing out of the ordinary, nothing yet. It wasn't anything special to come home to a house that was preparing for a party on Two-Step. But, the reason for the party always came after the party had begun on this backwards town. For a place to put jovial attitudes and a desire for leisure over the betterment of their wallets or families? Well, for someone like Julian, it was best to say that he was born under a very unlucky black star, or just born on the wrong side of the world.

    But that's just how things were sometimes for the orange haired wannabe marine. Colin Kintobor, Julian's brother, was the one manning the door to the house and standing there with a clipboard, waiting for guests to show up. Of course, as soon as Julian came to the door, he was prevented from entering his own home.

    "Sorry bub, your name on the list?" he would just at his brother with a snicker. Being someone that often set up parties and worked the doors to keep people that weren't invited out, Colin had a very muscular body, a thick shank of a hairy arm acting like a turnstile to keep Julian from getting in. Of course, he would let his brother in so that he could go wherever he wanted.

    "Boy? That you boy?" Came a voice that sounded like it was slathered in lard. A large man, larger than Colin, came out from the kitchen with an apron that was barely covering any part of his pants or shirt, came out with a bowl of batter and a wooden spoon handle sticking out of said batter, "Boy where you been?" Said the portly man with a balding head of orange hair and a regal beard that could have very well acted as an apron for him!

    "We're getting the place set up for a party and you're off working on chores or something? The hell are you being so productive for you goof? It's time to get ready for the party, we're having fifty guests over in the next couple of hours!" He would declare to Julian.

    The mother, Bertha, was nowhere to be seen as of yet, probably off on the other side of the house getting things set up outside. On Two-Step, you only got physically active by choice just to set up for your next party. This place was weird.

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by Robotnik Sat Nov 03, 2018 2:05 pm

    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Wut_te10

    Julian begged his mind to tell him that he had misheard his father. He prayed to non-existent deities that his father misspoke and meant a different number..... FIFTY?! Julian sighed deeply. "You know, there's a perfectly good park where you can host this pointless get together." He said, not realizing that he was being rude for once instead of the weak willed individual he normally was. "Just once I'd like to get a full night's rest. JUST ONCE. Or even to be tired because I studied, not because every five seconds I was hearing some loud scream cause someone managed to beat someone else at beer pong."

    Whoa. Julian normally wasn't like that. He didn't even seem to notice as he decided to ignore his father and just walk to his room, slam the door and pull out the books he needed to study. This test was going to be the biggest one he'd have had so far.... so he felt it was the most important...

    He just hoped nobody would bother him....

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA Sat Nov 03, 2018 6:09 pm

    "Listen m'boy, we have the space for a hundred guests. We're just throwing a little get together. So get yourself together, and get in the proper party mood. It's time we enjoy ourselves for once rather than just go through the motion of another party!" He declared while thrusting his arms up in to the air, only for the batter to start to rise up out of the bowl, which Ivo immediately caught afterwards, miraculously, "Don't tell your mother you saw that." He said before letting his son walk away.

    The house was rather peculiar shaped, even for party house standards. A triangular shape. It was mostly a flat with one big floor that covered a wide expanse. But, at each of the points of the triangles were spiral staircases that lead up to small sections of second floors that were kept apart from one another, and a main patio up top for party goers.  On these seconds floors were the three bedrooms that they had.

    It would be about fiften minutes of time alone in his room before Julian would hear a knock on the door, someone creaking it open without asking after knocking twice, pausing, knocking twice, pausing and then knocking four times.  It was the way his mother let him know she was coming in alone.  She was pleasantly plump, with rounded cheeks and a very curvaceous figure.  Her most astonishing feature was that stark blue hair that was done up in a different shape every week. This week she had it in a bee hive with hexagonal tied off pigtails for honey combs.

    "Sweetie, are you alright? Your father said you were working today. Is something going on?" She was one of the only supportive ones of what Julian wanted to do, albeit in a roundabout way that tried to urge him to enjoy himself, if only a little. Maybe he could talk to her just a little bit.

    Meanwhile, downstairs, the first signs of people showing up could be heard, the early comers, the ones who sought to enjoy the party before it even began.  Wanting to help with the start of the party, and raid the fridge.

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by Robotnik Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:13 pm

    Julian looked at his mother. He didn't like her. Not as much as he hated his father and brother, but he didn't like her. He felt she was complicit with the torture his father and brother put him through.... He felt she did NOTHING to stem the tide. Sure, she tried to help by telling him to do what made HIM happy, but he felt it came from her 'party' side and not her 'motherly' side.... He saw corruption and failure everywhere....

    And he refused to be part of it any longer. "I'm studying for my final Navy application test. I won't be a choreboy any longer.... I'll be an officer. And I can climb up the ranks. I can become a Navy Scientist and make things that help the world, that keep people safe." He felt so proud of all that.... "If only I could get some ACTUAL SLEEP. If you didn't host these INFERNAL parties and prevent me from studying, I would feel confident.... I can finally do what makes ME happy..."

    He gave her a glare. "So, do you think you have an idea? Of a way for me to get some rest and study without interruption? Because the only thing I can think of is to find some place on the other side of the island where nobody is.... and study there...." That could be a horrible idea.... But he had no clue....

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:45 pm

    Well that wasn't the right thing to say, or, maybe it was. Julian's mother just smiled and brought her hands up to clasp his cheeks and hug him straight in to her chest while squealing happily, "Oh sweetheart! That makes me so proud! You're going to do great things I just know it! Let's go tell everyone so we can celebrate and toast to your success!" She seemed to miss the point, but just as she was walking to the door, she looked over her shoulder and smiled at him.

    "It would be nice if you came downstairs if only for a little bit. I'll try and keep the party away from your part of the house, so you won't be bothered hopefully. Okay?" She certainly was trying, but, she also wanted to party to celebrate her boy's advancement in his life, it was a great achievement after all.

    If he decided to actually attend and celebrate the beginning of his life, Julian would certainly be in for a world of hurt, and a great change that would lead to him gaining the much needed power to be the scientist he would become. Of course, if he decided to rest now, it would be another day in, another day out, and serendipity would have to find its way to his front door again.

    Had he gone downstairs, there were people bringing in a large fruit bowl, it seemed the theme of tonight's party was a game night. Every fruit they brought in the bowl was designed with odd spirals on it. It was a grab bag game of sorts. And as they brought the giant bowl, a sake dish fit for giants, out to the back yard, the seven people carrying it would set it down while Julian's father would ask what's going on.

    Had the young scientist to be came down to party for a little bit, he would overhear that they managed to find a devil fruit, somehow, these party going animals found a devil fruit. And, they hid the fruit in the bowl. With fifty four guests total, they put in one hundred and sixty three pieces of fruit. Grape bunches, Bunches of bananas, melons, all sorts of fruit of varying sizes that could easily fill a stomach each. All colored different. But, only one was a devil fruit. ALl the others were designed different on purpose for the game. Someone out of this party, was going to get the power of the sea devil.

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by Robotnik Sun Nov 04, 2018 3:43 pm

    Julian sighed. His mother was the only one who could ever convince him to do anything.... though he still only ever did it out of spite. So, with a mild change of clothes and some washing of his face.... he began setting up his room so he could make sure to take advantage of what his mother promised....

    And a minute later, he came downstairs.... Not to please his mother or his father or his brother.... but for his own curiosity. What could be so important that she wanted him down there for once? She normally only did that when she thought something important was going to happen....

    Julian was definitely curious when he saw this 'grab bag' game.... He began listening in on everyone's conversations... focusing on someone else whenever he got bored. He listened carefully, he began making formulae in his mind... That was a lot of fruit... but even if Julian didn't want to admit it, he was really rather good at the simple games his father would host.... He always considered them too easy. Too simple.... this one had some complications to it, but...

    Julian smiled. This would be some rather good revenge. Be the winner of this little contest. Gain some sort of power that he could finally use to free himself from this infernal family... It wasn't taking him long to figure things out, based on the way certain people spoke, the way they carried themselves... he deduced which one of them had actually found the fruit. And since they weren't anywhere smart enough to give it to someone else to hide in the pile... He began figuring out where it was.

    With the biggest shit eating grin he's ever had on his face.... Julian went right for the pile when the game started.....

    And ate the first and only fruit he'd grab....

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:54 pm

    You ever eat something that looks good? Something that looks so good you can just imagine the perfect texture to it? The perfect taste? It had no discernible aroma. It had spirals on it and a funky texture to the touch. But, you ever bite in to something that looks good but turns out to be edible garbage? Like, a kind of taste that beguiled the mouth to refrain from spitting it up, to eat through one bite of it? And out of morbid curiosity, you would eat it more? Or were you ever just so masochistic that you decided to eat something like that on purpose?

    Whatever the case, Julian just ate the most garbage tasting thing ever, beyond terrible party food standards. No longer was a bunch of experimental recipes at a potluck the worst nightmare of food for Julian, now, this thing was one bite in, and five bites away from being finished. Sure, he might brave it enough and eat the rest of it, but what kind of masochistic moron would do such a thing? SOmeone that wanted the power.

    And after finishing the fruit, Julian would have the answer to one of life's greatest questions: Magnets, how do they even work? Well, he decided that now. It was a fruit that bestowed the power of magnetism. The immediate realization of what he was despite not having any practice in it? That was an astonishing feat all devil fruit eaters went through, but, how to use it and practice with it would take a long amount of time.

    Whatever physical spectacle that he put forth, after everything was done, Julian's brother would give him a hearty slap on the back, "Looks like we have our winner! Now let's celebrate! Julian's gonna be a marine! Julian's got some new power! Woo!" He cheered and everyone else cheered, and the party kicked off like nothing had really happened aside from the change of title for the party's reason!

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by Robotnik Sun Nov 04, 2018 8:14 pm

    OH DEAR GOD THAT TASTES DISGUSTING! Julian wanted to vomit then and there. He wanted to stop and go back to studying.... He wanted to party.... HE WANTED TO DO ANYTHING BUT THIS RIGHT NOW. But he knew that's how Devil Fruits worked. He knew that they were horrible.... that they were disgusting... It was a defense mechanism, to avoid being eaten. But he also knew that the POWER that one would gain.... Even if he could only end up becoming rubber, or being able to open doors anywhere, or turn into balls.... It would be worth it in the end.

    And so he continued to eat.... until nothing remained. He took a few deep breaths, trying to get the taste out of his mouth.... trying to calm down... Then he turned to go over to the punch bowl to get even more taste out of his mouth....

    When suddenly the metal stein that he was going to use to do just that..... slammed into his face.

    ....Well that hurt.

    Then Julian paused. He looked over at something else. ANYTHING else...


    Well, he WAS looking at a wooden spoon....

    He continued panning his vision, until he looked at something else metal, which came flying at him. He held his hands up in defense, not wanting to get hit again.... and it stopped. He looked at the metal plate....

    And he realized something. He concentrated on the plate. Exactly on THAT plate.... and watched it collapse in on itself.... and then all the metal in the area began pulling itself towards that one spot.... And then Julian relaxed.... and it stopped.

    "Magnetism...." He said to himself, before smiling. He had power over magnetism.... And with the widest smile he had in a very long time, he thought to himself that... he didn't NEED to pass the entry test now. But he would anyway. He'd hide this power until it was time to be assigned his rank... So he could make sure they didn't just make him... whatever he'd be... just because of it.

    And for the first time in his life.... he actually felt like partying.

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:25 pm

    Oh it tasted disgusting Julian, but no matter what you were going to eat every last bite! It's all or nothing! Learn to channel that shonen power and gulp that garbage in one bite. Or, you know, stick it through like you just did, and suffer through every bite, what does this narrator know? She's just trying to help you avoid a disgusting lingering after taste on your tongue, but, ya know, that's your decision! Good going magnet man, you curdled your taste buds!

    As soon as it subsided, and a few slapstick moments had occurred with Julian being the brunt of the jokes, everyone seemed to take a moment to just stare as someone was controlling metal in the nearby area as a result. His father just folded his arms and tapped his foot a few times, impatiently.

    "Well boy? You done showing off? It's time to get back to partying now! We have to celebrate! ANd with that new power you can help clean up easier! Let's party!" He would declare with everyone else cheering on at the moment. Things hadn't taken their turn for the worse, not yet at least. It wouldn't be until everyone was drinking that things would turn around.

    "Do you think you can show us a few tricks with that fruit little bro? Oh! Oh oh oh! See how many spoons you can stick to your face! Or, or make a house of cards, but out of silverware! Do something fancy come on!" Excitedly the brother shouted and bounced, more like a kid this moment at the first sight of some super powers in the world for once.

    Meanwhile, the mother was standing at the side lines, carrying a plastic tray around to hand out refreshments to everyone, while everyone else was excited and happy for Julian, for now.

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by Robotnik Tue Nov 06, 2018 11:01 pm

    ....Showing off? He just gained super powers.... he was trying to figure out how to control them. And he was SHOWING OFF?

    Help clean?

    Party tricks?.....

    Well, with his current state of mind, he didn't mind the party trick idea. It could help him figure out the nuances of his power.

    With a deep sigh, he would humor his brother. For now. He would start collecting harmless metal with his power, messing with it and slowly figuring out how to do the smallest of things with it. Figuring out how to manipulate the magnetic field around him, how to envision it, how to do it with such dexterity that he could place.... well... spoons.... like a deck of cards.

    And so, while avoiding drinking, Julian would practice his powers, showing off for the party. Doing his best to figure things out while keeping people entertained.... Master the simple aspects.... so that future abilities would be easier....

    He kept silent throughout it all.... focused on memorizing this all...

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:38 am

    The night would move on, with the guests asking for various sculptures out of the silverware, but, eventually would come to leave Julian well enough alone. About an hour passed, more guests arrived. ANd more drinks were served. They even rolled up a large keg that was almost as big as a barn. If a little smaller at that. With the sun waning on in to the sky, another hour passed, and more guests showed up.

    Each and every time an hour passed, more guests showed up until the entire group arrived. Most were asking about the fruit, most were disappointed it was already found before the game could really kick off. But, with each and every person getting disappointed, more cheered on, mug of mead in hand, that it was time to celebrate Julian!

    Why weren't they getting mad? He took away a chance at greatness from them? Were they really so content to celebrate the achievement of someone else screwing them over?

    "Here's to Julian's first major party! Here's to Julian neglecting his studies for once! Here's to Julian focusing on living a little!" Was he some kind of butt of some kind of joke? They were trying to be genuinely happy for him, but, how would it fall on the ears of the man that hated their lifestyle?

    Julian's father gave him a sideline glare, as if daring him to go against the people, watching his son like a hawk. he didn't like that his son was showing an interest in parties for once, out of all of this, why today? out of all of this, why now? It just rubbed Ivo the wrong way, and he was giving up on enjoying the party himself to watch his good for nothing busybody of a son.

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by Robotnik Wed Nov 07, 2018 1:17 am

    That made him stop. Neglecting his studies shouldn't be celebrated. 'Living a little'? Who were they to presume that what THEY found fun was fun to him? Who where THEY to dictate was was FUN and what wasn't?! Julian's joy was instantly drained as it turned to anger.

    "I'm done." He said, delivering the silverware back to its place. "I'll be in my room." He decided, starting his way back into the house.

    The party.... WAS fun... while it lasted.... but all 'good' things must come to an end. Julian remembered why he despised these parties.

    Nobody in this infernal town actually cared about him. Nobody wanted him there. They were just after the next big thing. The next fad. The next fling..... The next JOKE. And that joke had been Julian.

    He intended on getting to his room, finishing his studies.... passing the test, TOMORROW.... and never seeing this infernal town again.

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:57 pm

    His father gruffed, scoffed and turned his gaze away from Julian while he went inside, leaving the boy well enough alone for now before he clasped his hands to his cheeks, trying to snap himself out of his funk, it was time to party after all. And, the party would continue. Eventually moving from outside in the backyard in to the house itself. It could be heard down below Julian's room.

    The cacophony of noise was enough that the floor could be felt thrumming with the lightest bit of noise coming from the party. Eventually, someone came upstairs, and knocked on the door a few times non stop. Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. It wasn't Julian's mother that was for sure. He could answer the door, and be met with his brother trying to implore him to come back to the party. Or he could ignore it and continue to study.

    If he ignored it, the noise would come to fade away from under him within an hour, and could eventually be heard coming from above. ALl the guests and party throwers were migrating upstairs, but staying away from Julian's section of the house, at the behest of his mother. SPeaking of whom, the woman came downstairs, and gave her special knock to let him know it was her. WOuld Julian open up the door for his mother? Or give even her the cold shoulder?

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by Robotnik Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:37 pm

    The knocking was annoying. Irritating.... frustrating.... Oh how that noise was making him....

    After sighing, he got up and answered the door. "WHAT?!" He demanded from his brother. Listening to the requests of him coming back down, the blathering of a party goer.... "No. Go away. NOW." The outburst of anger caused some of the metallic things in his room to jump around wildly.

    Slamming his door, he went back to studying.... trying his best to ignore all the noises and sounds.... Trying to get back to his studies.... The things that were actually important to him.

    Then he heard his mother's knock. It still annoyed him, but he took a deep breath and went to the door.


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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:21 pm

    When the door opened, his mother stood there and gave her son one tight hug, only to give him a quick peck on the cheek. "Sweetheart, I'm sorry what we do annoys you, but, I want you to know that, I support you no matter what. I'm just not used to someone being like you, but, I'm happy you're doing something that is going to make you happy."

    She started to turn around to head back up the stairs but quickly backed down on them while her husband, Julian's father, came ambling through the door frame with a big gruff look on his face. He did not look happy while he folded his arms, staring down at Julian while moving his upper lip back and forth, making his mustache wiggle side to side.  His dark eyes glaring daggers at Julian.

    "Boy. Why do you insist on trying to do something, only to turn around and spit in the face of everyone after they try to include you? You honestly think everyone on this island is out to get you don't you? But you know what? You're just being a selfish little twat. Now, I don't care what your mother says, I don't care what your brother wants. I don't want you under this roof anymore unless you can come up and apologize. I'm going back to the party." He said before turning around and leaving, while walking back upstairs to the party.

    He didn't sound angry, or enraged. His voice had the worst tone a father could have, disappointment. That exacerbated constant strain of stress in his voice.  Julian's mother stood in the doorway, one hand up near her mouth while the other was folded on to her apron, clenched in to a fist in sheer worry for her son. "Julian...are you going to be okay?"

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by Robotnik Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:50 am

    Julian tried to think of his mother in a new light. He tried to think of her being good and helping. He really did. He never liked his family. They always felt stifling and controlling.

    And when his father came in to remind him just WHY he hated this place.... Especially after what he just said.....

    Julian used his new powers to start gathering his things. Gathering what was important and putting it in a backpack, all scooped up by some pieces of metal he was manipulating.

    "Goodbye, mother."

    He stormed out of his room and downstairs. He glared at his father. "Those don't get to be the last words between us, you fat, LAZY, CONTROLLING BRUTE. You don't get to put the blame on me. I never wanted this. I never WANTED to be part of your parties. I never WANTED WHAT YOU WANTED. You call me selfish? You're the one who decides to take it PERSONALLY WHEN I DON'T WANT TO BE PART OF THIS. It's not MY JOB to make YOU feel better. It's NOT my INFERNAL JOB TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF."

    "If you're so insulted that I don't enjoy your parties, WHY THE HELL DO YOU INVITE ME TO THEM?!"

    "But you know what? I've been needing a reason to leave. And you just gave it to me. So THANK YOU, SO VERY MUCH, FATHER. You'll never see me again until the day I finally look you in the face and spit in it properly."

    And with his bags full, with metal under them to help them hover....

    He stormed out.... slamming the door behind him.

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA Sun Nov 18, 2018 9:48 pm

    When Julian left, he would not hear the following conversation between his mother and father. With her a bit more teary about it than the man, though, he seemed to be holding back a bit himself while he tried to stand proud on the stairs, his back to the direction his son left from.

    "You didn't have to be so rough you know."

    "The boy's never really gotten along with me, and, despite how much he irritates me, he is still my son. And I know he wouldn't leave without me giving him a reason to. So I gave him a good enough reason." He sighed while starting to go back up the stairs.

    "Then why didn't you just support him? For once?" SHe would ask while following him back up the stairs.

    "You think he would not bat an eyelash at his old man suddenly being supportive of him out of the blue? This was for the best, he's going to be out of our hair, and we won't fight anymore. Just, tell me if he writes if you would." He said while heading back up to the party, grumbling about a sour taste in his mouth now that he needed some alcohol to fix.

    Meanwhile, Julian, if he looked back, would see his mother standing at the edge of the roof, looking at him walking away rather than spending time at the party. It was a turning point in his life, but, she just couldn't help but feel like this wasn't the right way to push him to it.

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

    Post by Robotnik Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:29 pm

    It was a sad moment. But Julian saw it as the opportunity he had been waiting for. There was a junkyard he knew about nearby that he could live in until the Marines took him in. That was all he needed.

    But he would never see his parents again....

    Not willingly anyway. The only time he would ever go back to 'visit' was to renounce them as his family.... and hope his brother was dead for ANY reason.

    Julian hated his parents.

    Both of them.

    And he would be a better person... in spite of them.

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    Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback) Empty Re: Can we get some peace and quiet? Doubt it. (Flashback)

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