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    Push It To The Limit

    The Black Reaper
    The Black Reaper

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    Push It To The Limit Empty Push It To The Limit

    Post by Sen Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:08 pm

    [OOC: I'm in -8GMT Pacific Time Zone. Note, I don't role play Fridays, Saturdays, and I get back home late evening on Sundays.]

    Push It To The Limit

    Hanna Island:

    A wind breeze coursed throughout savanna of Hanna Island. The weather here was constantly windy on a daily basis. Seagulls and other common birds in midair were pushed by the force of the winds which circumvented around the island. They didn't seem to be troubled by it at all. These birds kept pushing themselves against the opposing wind until they reached their destination. Which defined a lot about the Animalia on Hanna Island. Despite the trials, the Animalia on the island were completely adapted to this. They even developed solid resistance to it.

    Eneas had arrived on the island two days ago as a stowaway on some random ship. He admired the geography of Hanna Island. The challenges it imposed reminded him that of Nemea Island back in his hometown. Unlike most islands, this island didn't have any towns or villages. It had far-reaching savannas and was brimming with a lot of wildlife. People throughout the world only came here for its game. Others like Eneas came here for a challenge. He wanted to test his mental and physical limits. The past two days weren't easy for him.

    The winds kept throwing him off balance and made it rather difficult for him to explore the island. He wasn't accustomed to this amount of wind force opposing against him. At times it'd feel as if he was in a hurricane-like weather and that was his greatest adversary. Speaking the truth it actually was. The small animals here would travel habitually as if nothing was happening or contending them. The guy was hungry and needed to eat something. Thus in order to survive here, he'd have to get accustomed to these violent winds.  

    Posts : 9
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    Push It To The Limit Empty Re: Push It To The Limit

    Post by BZA Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:51 am

    The man sat quietly behind a mahogany desk. To his left was an incandescent stream from a smoldering fireplace. Its proliferating radiance casting his silhouette to the right. This shadowy imprint, exaggerated his slender profile into hulking proportions. For were one to gaze onto the wall they would be remiss not to evoke the imagery of a demon. In particular, the claw-like transmutation of his twig like index finger. A finger that had taken to tapping in intervals no less than milliseconds. Each thump an animated effort to stab boredom dead. The chiming tick and tock of the single ancient clock above the fireplace joined in the attempt. In this chamber space and time languidly slugged on. An eerie atmosphere that drummed up the smallest of sounds. Yet, the man attention lay elsewhere and his environment was nothing more than an after though. Suddenly, a blustering torrent tore through the window behind him. The wind stormed into the room, tossing about papers en route to turning of his fire.

    No sooner had the flame been extinguished than did the chambers door burst open. Two armed marines rushed, with the older of the two clasping his great battle axe. "Are you ok" he inquired, his tone urgent as the speed by which his partner scanned the room. Their boss remained unresponsive. "Oscar, get some light" the man continued, a cold sweat streaking down his back. The industrious man set to work, fumbling, and bumbling to success. Once the fire was rolling, Oscar looked on to his boss. "Did you get some sleep. Sir" the young man muttered gazing upon the emaciated husk of their leader. Captain Joachim thoughts maintained their wander in his mental asylum. "s everything alight?" It was then that Joachim ceased moving and stood up. Behind the desk arose the deceptively tall man who briskly made his way to the window. His back turned, he uttered but one statement, "Where is HE?" However, the erupting pound of his signature low pitch voice resonated viciously around the room.

    Oscar and Tomasa found themselves sprawled on the ground in awe of his might. Joachim jerked his right hand to his mouth and commenced biting his nails. Spewing a stream of profanities, he proceeded to lay a verbal tirade. Alas, his words were lost under the thumb that obscured his lips. Still, the two guards dare not move lest they incur his fury. Lost in wonder, the two finally mustered the courage to stand after a lengthy stretch of time. In fact, it was the raspy croak that echoed through the vast plains and into the window that sparked their action. Shortly, thereafter another such sound erupted and signaled the dawn of the new month. Joachim trance was broken and he looked ahead at the rising sun that seemed to mock him. In a fit of rage, he turned back and found Oscar and Tomasa pridefully rooted before him. Pursing his lips half an inch he barked orders under his breath as his rabid eyes glared into theirs. "Find Him"

    Several hundred miles away, the Santa Maria's keel fiercely plunged the salty waters off an isolated isle. The might behinds its splash swashed a bubbling wave to shore. Aboard, was 'Kurowashi', starved and dehydrated by the last hour's escape. The pestering crow of seagull, groggily ripped him from his slumber. In one heave he, dropped down from the main mast to the ship's figure head. The dangerous combination of his sea legs and intrinsic speed proved a deadly mix. Caught off guard by the mismatch in power he slipped. Two hundred pounds of muscle met the cement like ocean and gave rise to a spectacular water bomb. Submerged in Poseidon realm, the pristine waters felt delightful crisp as a numbing chill unreservedly solaced his simmering skin. Obscured from the glorious golden blaze of the cloudless summer's eve he swam about enjoying his youth for once. As Baraka floated briskly on the waters one thought came into his mind, "The captain is going to kill me for this" Yet, at the utterance of the words the young marine burst into laughter. One which didn't cease until he decided to swim over and explore the island.
    The Black Reaper
    The Black Reaper

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    Push It To The Limit Empty Re: Push It To The Limit

    Post by Sen Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:29 am



    His stomach had begun to growl. The man was starving. His last meal being dinner from about a day ago. He stood leaning against the tree as the wind pressed against him. This was definitely not a win situation. So at least what Eneas thought. However, he wasn't going to give up that easily; he was a Nemean after all. He crouched down from the tree, got on all his fours as if he were a cat, made sure he had a tight grip against the grass and started advancing through the savanna little by little. This was the only way he could resist the climate of the island for time being.

    He crawled through the rustling tall grass in seek for some type of animal which seemed edible to eat for lunch. After ceaselessly looking throughout the savanna for an hour he managed to find his prey. It was a white rabbit whom like all Animalia here was accustomed to the wind pressure. It moved freely through the grass. Staring around the vicinity each time it paused. It was a very cautious creature. This was definitely going to be a challenge for Eneas. "If only the weather wouldn't have been so bad around here. What I could I say? I like the challenge though," he thought to himself as he smiled.

    It wasn't of his nature to be on all his fours but he definitely started getting the hang of it. Memorizing all the wind patterns of the island's climate. Applying strength to different areas of his body to go against the wind as it shifted. Withal, this wasn't some feat that one could learn in a day. Being here two days going on the third day he had just started to give birth to this new feel of his. He knew he wasn't going to be fast enough to catch his prey. Rabbits in this vast savanna were very agile.

    With that in mind, he pulled out a sharp oval-shaped rock from the landscape while maintaining balance with his other arm and hind legs. Having this in his possession it was now down to a game of physics. Enea's goal was to strike the rabbit's head with the rock. His plan was to use the wind to his advantage. He closed his eyes momentarily, meditated as the wind took its shifts, and when the moment was suitable he tossed the rock at the rabbit. The rock traveled through the wind at a rapid pace. Having force of the wind applied to it firmly.


    A thump came about! The rock struck the rabbit on its head causing it to bleed a bit and rendered it unconscious. "Yesss! Finally!!!" Eneas shouted in excitement as he crawled towards the rabbit. Since it was unconscious he finished it off by crushing its neck with his left hand. "I'm sorry little buddy but your loss is going to contribute to a great cause. Which is obviously me," he told the dead rabbit. Off he ventured back to the tree he was leaning against earlier. The tree was unique, it had a hollow tree-like canopy which evidently could enable one to reside inside it for safety.

    Eneas whipped up a fire using natural resources which he had gathered days prior to this day. In little to no time, he had a stick pierced through the rabbit like a skewer. There it stood roasting as an elegant orange flames were ablaze beneath it. To hydrate his body Eneas drank edible sap from the tree. The gladiator had everything available at his disposal thankfully. The only challenge thus far was catching his food. Little did he know that this wasn't his real challenge....

    Posts : 9
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    Join date : 2018-10-10

    Push It To The Limit Empty Re: Push It To The Limit

    Post by BZA Sat Oct 20, 2018 5:50 pm

    The lonesome Baraka submerges his hooks into the shallow depths of a bag sifting through piles of clothes & papers in search of his target. Once acquired and successfully latched onto, he yanks out his ashy hands to reveal an old gourd whose faded sides' sooth and excite their parched throat. Hurriedly popping its cap out, he corks back his head and parts his lips anticipating a stream of bitter rich brown lager, harvested from the finest barley grains stored within its walls. Much to his  dismay this haven ends up as nothing more than pathetic trickles that die out into measly drops. With a spirit seasoned by a pinch of disappointment, the Marine cuts his losses and instead decides to get better acquitted with his surroundings. 

    First to catch his eye is the broken plaque lying behind him. It was an inconspicuous three foot tall sign, rugged and dirty from all the hammering it had taken from sand storms that often poured into the area. However, what made it an interesting discovery are the words painted on its arrow head. Each letter combined with the next to create distinctive words that delivered a one two punch kick combo to the adventurer stomach and exacerbated his weariness; Beware. At wits end he picks his dishevels self from the ground and looks toward the horizon that seems so close yet so far. “This island is death”, his dejected voice reaffirms in a twisted attempt to fuel his spirit with the drive to take the next step. 

    Confident that he was up to the challenge the adventure bound No'Ri prepares himself for the last leg of his odyssey. No sooner does he move his foot than a violent rumble quake the ground he stood, before coming to a complete cease fire. A giant desert scorpion, which had been secretly tailing him from the moment he had begun his descent from a dune a kilometer back, quickly scurries away dispersing a group of vultures that had been following him in anticipation of spoils of his hunt. Dead silence ensues with the hairs at the back of Kurowashi's head shooting out in attention. Being the highly superstitious being he was this was the all telling sign of an approaching ill omen. Sure enough the calm is brought to an abrupt end with the recommencing of the loud rattle several times ferocious as the last. 

    A storm in the shape of an immense blast ushers in vicious eruptions from underneath our journeyman’s feet. In one instant he goes from standing on the safety of Gaia’s back to being propelled at stupendous speed higher and higher to the realms of Olympus. However, underneath the man’s exquisite attire, masked with a veil of playful pacifism is the rigid musculature of a seasoned fighter. Rather than simply following the expected even possibly intended linear trajectory, in a split instant the man’s razor sharp reactions afforded him to swiftly adjust: making good of what may have been an outright desperate situation. The seasoned combatant had kicked off whatever was below following quickly after with a corkscrew front spin that spirals him three hundred and sixty degrees ahead. 

    Moreover, whilst airborne he has just enough time for a quick draw. His hand picks away from his belt staff grasping on the latest piece from an ever evolving Marine's arsenal. The scorching afternoon suns lays praise to it with rays of light that strike against the six inch barrel, revealing italic engravings that translates to Justice. By the time he concludes the descent with feet crashing onto the ground, a firmly gripped flintlock is gallantly staring from whence he last stood. Four meters from the glaring tip of gun’s barrel, stood the wallowing perpetrator in a vent, amid-st the carnage that lay between him and his prey. A bombardment of emotional excitement, primal fear & most importantly natural curiosity react as the traveler looks on. Unlike any of the animals that the man has encountered, his adversary was not only foreign but of a completely grandiose scale. 

    Furthermore, it has a muscular trunk of a body, comprised of a bizarre mix of dark green and light brown scales that have been embroidered from the root of its segmented rattle tail all the way across its elongated torso & sown to completion on its multiple heads. Four to be exact, each large enough to tower over the adventures, who was not short by any stretch of the imagination. They were easily distinguished based on the severe scars & blemishes tattooed on its face with pride. For the first time the traveler becomes fully aware of his sweat soaked back & chest. "Hehe. Can this day get any worse.." he murmured sarcastically.  
    The Black Reaper
    The Black Reaper

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    Location : Tokyo

    Push It To The Limit Empty Re: Push It To The Limit

    Post by Sen Sun Oct 28, 2018 2:55 am

    [OOC: I feel you are role-playing in two different settings. The past two posts just seem off as to what's actually geographically happening on the island.]

    The roasted rabbit hit the spot. He leaned his back against the tree inner tree trunk. It was time for this gladiator sleep for a couple. The wind whistled through the tree as he slept. The bad thing about it, he couldn't really tell if something was coming towards him or anything due to the whistling sound of the wind. So he couldn't really sleep with one eye open and the other shut as he only had one eye to begin with. Nevertheless, Eneas was always on guard in some cases.

    The sun had dwindled down it was already afternoon. Eneas had slept a couple of hours and he eventually woke up. Before him stood a stood a child who had charcoal colored skin and eyes. "Joo sir slept for quite te while. Joor lucky I was nearby ter was a ferocious tiger roaming about around tes savannah. Evereeone round here fears em'. Luckily I managed to de-stract his tention' elsewear. Anyweyz did joo come here to hunt our rare animals sir? " the boy questioned eneas as he rubbed his chin with his right hand.

    "I don't know who you are but thank you for whatever you did for me. I had to catch some sleep. These winds around here put quite a toll on my body. It definitely needed some rest. Hmmm, why I came to this island... That's a good question. You could say I came here to challenge myself. My stepfather who brought me up once told me that Hanna Island should be a place I should visit if I ever wanted to test my potential. So I came here with that notion in mind," he replied to the boy. He stood up afterward and started to stretch out his body. Taking advantage that there was minimal wind pressure inside the trunk of the tree.

    "Te way I see it. Joo came here for a trial. Dat trial is most likely going to be Teirkhan. Tierkhan is dat tiger I jus told you bout. Jus looking at joor deep scars and physique... joo can possibly be da one," the boy said as he stared intently at Eneas's body. He circled around Eneas in a crouching-like manner as if he were some type of rodent. Taking a whiff of Eneas's body scent. Eneas just kept following him with his eye as the boy walked circled around him. "Teirkhan. A tiger? Me the one? What exactly are you talking about kid?" he questioned the boy in befuddlement.

    "Joo see the very few people here in Hanna belong to the Dukah Tribe. I'm one of te jungest tribesman. Our tribe has been tormented by Tierkhan for quite sometime. None of us have been able to take em down. Many of our tribesmen have died doing so. Howeva der is a story dat our granpa once told me before he died by te fangs of Teirkhan. He said that someday someone may come to our island and free us from dis apex predator. I tink dis someone is joo sir," replied the boy in cheerfully.

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