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    Rowing Oaks

    Ace Fresca
    Ace Fresca

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Rowing Oaks

    Post by Ace Fresca Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:19 am

    Rowing Oaks; a quiet and quaint little crescent shaped island home to a small fishing community and the next destination of the bounty hunter known as Fresh. Now with one capture under his belt – a pirate captain named Red Lobster worth thirty thousand beli – he was feeling a bit more confident about actually hunting down specific individuals. His current bounty of choice was a pirate named Requin Marrazo, otherwise known as the Shark Man. He was currently wanted for terrorizing small fishing communities through various means. Fresh was following up on a lead he had received from the last island that he was on that he enjoyed specifically terrorizing the little island of Rowing Oaks.

    As Fresh's dingy came within sight of the island, he could see why this place was a prime target for a lone pirate who liked to cause mischief. The island was  rather small; one could almost blink and miss it entirely. From his point of approach he could see that the island appeared to be a C-shape with the inside of the C being a small bay. The shores of the bay were where the majority of the homes were built, though most seemed to be relatively simple wooden shacks as opposed to anything fancy. A fishing village like this most likely didn't have much in the form of defense, and obviously they had absolutely no marine presence. They were almost like sitting ducks.

    As Fresh's boat got closer to the only vacant part of the outside shore, he was surprised to see that no one was here to greet him. He hadn't exactly been stealthy on his approach to the island, and he had to surmise that they didn't really get too many visitors. Just what was going on here? "I guess I'll have to find out," Fresh said to himself as he pulled his little boat up to the shore, exited, and dragged it into the sand and away from the water.
    Xan The G
    Xan The G

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Xan The G Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:42 am

    "This is as far as I'll take you," explained the yachtswoman. Kiru was still a ways off from the shore. It would be a couple of minutes swim. He wasn't the only passenger on the commercial vessel and there were murmurs at her confession. On deck, the yachtswoman had already begun to prepare to sail back to the chartered East Blue routes. one of the other 4 passengers on board felt compelled to challenge her.

    "We wanted travel to the island! What did we pay you for?" he argued angrily.

    "Call it half price. I dare not travel any closer and I would advise you all to turn back now and not leave this boat." she exclaimed.  

    "We came for bounty on the Shark Man! we've heard enough of your ghost stories!" replied another, encouraging a laugh only of himself.

    "I'm not afraid of a little fish!" remarked another defiantly marching to the end of the boat. He was burly, the tallest and stockiest of all aboard. "Last one off the boat can pay my fee!" he goaded before jumping into the water to begin his swim. Hearing his claim, the other passengers were worked into a frenzy, leaping into the water themselves to swim to shore. Kiru remained on the boat, simply looking on at the men. The yachtswoman saw Kiru still standing at the edgy looking over.

    "...It's fine to be afraid-"

    "Informed, not afraid." corrected Kiru. The woman chuckled to herself taking Kiru's words as feigned couraged.

    "So what do you know about this pirate they don't?" she quizzed.

    "I did not mean the Shark Man," added Kiru cryptically. He paid the fair, keeping to the bet of being the last off the ship.

    "Is that supposed to honour the bet of a dead man?" she quipped.

    "...That is to sail round," he corrected, pointed strategically in a arc around the portrait of the island on the horizon to encourage the yachtswoman to sail parallel to the shore.
    Ace Fresca
    Ace Fresca

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Ace Fresca Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:41 pm

    Fresh crossed his arms and looked towards the bay, which was more than likely going to be his next destination. The island wasn't that large, after all. If the Shark Man was here, or going to be here soon, then really his only method of moving forward was going to be to go to one of the shacks along the shore of the bay and ask an individual about him and where he would be. Fresh checked his back pocket to ensure that he still had the bounty poster of Requin Marrazo, which would make communicating much easier. He pulled out a folded piece of paper, and sure enough it was the right one. There was a little splotch of water on the bottom left corner, but that wasn't much of a problem.

    "Requin Marrazo, thirty thousand beli," Fresh remarked. "He's not a very attractive fellow, is he?" Marrazo seemed to either have naturally shark-like teeth or had fashioned them that way. Either way, it was unappealing. Now that he knew he had what he needed, he sallied forth to the nearest wooden shack, climbed up the rickety stairs, and rattled on the cheap door.

    The sound of a timid and gravelly old man came from behind the door. "N-no one's home!" "Don't be afraid, sir. I'm here to help." The door creaked as it slowly opened up away from Fresh, and an old man wearing a long tan sackcloth shirt with brown dungarees and probably two teeth open the door, sweat pouring down his face and a flintlock pistol in his shaking hands. "Y-you're not the Shark Man? Here to eat all of our fish?" Fresh raised the bounty poster of Marrazo next to his own face. "I believe you're referring to this man. I'm here to get rid of him." The old man had to study the face on the bounty poster and Fresh's own face for what was definitely way too long before deciding he wasn't in danger, let out a big "whew", and slowly lowered his loaded pistol whilst he wiped sweat off of his brow.

    Last edited by Ace Fresca on Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : lowered, not raised. oops.)
    Xan The G
    Xan The G

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Xan The G Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:13 pm

    Kiru watched as the men paddled to shore. They were clunky and awkward, not in part to the equipment  they were lugging with them as did their best to ride the crest of the shore-ward waves. As the boat began to depart from them perpendicularly, Kiru caught the eye of the leading mercenary. The mercenary didn't know Kiru, but had noted how confidently Kiru watched them from the boat, seeing that his eyes betrayed a heavy sense of wisdom and experience, as if Kiru could see something in the future.

    "Huh!?" piped up a voice from behind him. "What was that?"
    Ace Fresca
    Ace Fresca

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Ace Fresca Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:56 pm

    "I'm guessing that the Shark Man has been here at least once before, then?" Fresh inquired with the old man. It was a pretty rhetorical question, but he had to open up a dialogue somehow. "That's right. He's been here several times in just the past two weeks." "So I could expect him any time soon, then?" "Yes," the old man replied grimly and shoved his pistol back into his overalls. "That's why I was expecting that knock to be him. He likes to come 'round this time of day." "And that's what he does? He goes door to door and harasses the townspeople?"

    "No, he usually... well, he usually takes all of our fish. If we try to fight back he just roughs us up." "I see." It was clear that Rowing Oaks was just a small community of fisherman who wanted to be left alone and didn't really have the means with which to defend themselves. If he got rid of the Shark Man, then he would be doing them a lot of good. That, along with the nice bounty on Marrazo's head, was a pretty good incentive to take him out.

    "Well, I guess that's why he's called the Shark Man, then. For stealing other people's catch. And those hideous teeth." The old man grunted and shook his head. "That's not all. He also--" Just then, the old man's ears perked up and he turned his whole body to the waters. "What the... hey! There's someone over there! We've got to get them!" Fresh glanced over to where the old coot was looking and sure enough a few people were swimming towards the island. "Oh. I mean, they're almost here, why not just let them--" The old man ran past Fresh and to the shore before he could finish his sentence. He began waving his hands frantically to the men in the water. "Swim faster! Hurry!!"

    Last edited by Ace Fresca on Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixed the small text to actually being small)
    Xan The G
    Xan The G

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Xan The G Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:56 am

    "w-woah! I can feel it too!"

    "What the hell is that? It... It's fish! A school of fish!"

    "Why are they so agitated?"

    As his friends deliberated amongst each other, the leader was watching with his own confusion a the behaviour of the sea creatures. Being small fish he was so used to a skittish behaviour around big masses in the water, it was perplexing to see so many of them swimming directly through a group of 5 adult men with no care at all. Paused, soaking it all in, the leader was able to focus on the voice coming from the shore. He had to zone the others out enough to pick up the syllables amongst the splashes of the highly animated fish in the shallows and the natural waves lapping over his ears. Once he realised it was a desperate plea for them to move, he looked back to Kiru, who still had the exact same knowing gaze, only it was no longer looking at them. He's glance was across, to something else. The leader tried to track it, but he was basically at eye level with swashing water; he couldn't see.

    "Oi... boys, move to shore." he commanded concerned that their may truly be something foreboding they had underestimated. The others continued to play about with the fish, blissfully unaware. "Guys come on! To shore?"

    "Huh?" replied one.

    "Tobias? What is it?" asked another.

    "Yeah it's just f-!!!!!!" instantly, one of them was yanked under the blue surface. The others reacted with the shock and bewilderment.

    "What the hell was that!?" "Harry!" "Something got Harry!" there was a paused and the men all began to clutch for pistols and hunting rifles. Some yards away, Harry emerged from the waves, giving a gargled, pain-filled scream, leg-first. Said leg was nuzzled in the jaws of a grey, torpedo-like figure, which none of them needed a second glance to understand. Nonetheless, the creature unwittingly did give them a second and a third, as it thrashed with Harry clenched aways out to sea.

    "KILL IT! KILL IT NOW!" roared Tobias to his troop. The men tried to fire, but no flurry of bullets came. The soggy, salted gunpowder was rendered abeyant and ruined any notion of sparking flint and bursting metal from their nozzles. It took less than three seconds for Tobias to recognise their situation, but it came at the cost of watching Harry suffer and the decision he was forced to make. "GET TO THE SHORE!" he roared before paddling furiously.

    "But Harry!"

    "IT'S TOO LATE. MOVE YOUR ASSES NOW!" he insisted. While he understood the decisions that had to be made, and knew what it was like to lose a comrade in action, it was one thing to do so in war... this, felt like a horror story. It didn't sit well with him abandoning his comrade before he had even died, but he swam on. Behind him he hard the rest of the troop begin to follow in suit. He was so focus on swimming, he didn't have any attention on the shark, he was just locking his eyes on the shore.

    "GYAAA-*glubbub*...!" went another voice. Tobias turned round to see a red pool another one of his men missing. He didn't give that one anywhere near as much time as Harry's demise turning back to swim to shore within a moment's retrospective. As he got closer to the shore, he could hear the cries of terror and pain behind him. Sometimes submerged as they were dragged underwater, other times because the water rose over his own ears. HE couldn't focus on it, not enough to tell how close or far away the predator was, not even to tell whom was screaming and how many were left. Tobias's hands eventually scuffed at sand, his feet being able to lower onto sea bed and he waded, marching as fast as he could out of the water.

    He ended up on his rear and rolled over to view the sea with the old man who was shouting him down just a few paces behind him. He was breathing heavily, and looked out to see who else was with him. He saw nothing. He heard nothing. Just an ooze of red and tatters of clothes and equipment. Tobias was welling with an emotion to visceral to be coined as rage or despair. He was a soldier. He had a trained reaction to loss - to kill something in return. But to lose so much in such a fashion was tragic. He didn't even have the energy to scream out in a rage at the water.

    He just leaned back against his own gear bag, unable to muster the will to stand as he took it all in. But he did glance to his left as a body emerged from the water further down the beach. It was wearing red and blue and similarly made sure to keep a few paces away from the waters edge edge setting down to rest from the swim to land. Kiru looked back over towards Tobias, and although he was too far away for Tobias to properly make out the expression, he knew that Kiru had those same, damn knowing eyes. Tobias watched Kiru get up after less than a minute and begin to stagger inland in the opposite direction to Tobias. Tobias's hand unwittingly clenched at the sand of the beach, gaining a new focus for this battle hardened murderous emotion swelling out of his exhausted body.
    Ace Fresca
    Ace Fresca

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Ace Fresca Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:31 am

    Not really understanding why the old man was in such a frantic, Fresh slowly follow behind him in order to see what was up. He walked down to the shore just in time to see the first man go under. Was the man having difficult swimming, or was it something a bit more sinister? The man known as Tobias who was shrieking seemed to tell the story of the latter. "There's... something in the water?" The old man simply stood shaking in horror at what was unfolding, trying to blubber something out but to no avail. Fresh's grave suspicion was confirmed as the second of the three men who were initially stuck in the water sunk under and a stream of red surged up.

    "Well, that's no good," Fresh remarked. "I suppose those two men are as good as dead, then." The old man slowly turned towards Fresh, his face covered in sweat again and a look of absolute terror on his face. The coot probably wasn't impressed with his reaction to the horrifying events that had just unfolded, which was a fair way to feel. Fresh had seen blood and death before so they were far less than a big deal to the bounty hunter.

    "On the positive side, we have a survivor," Fresh remarked as the one known as Tobias made his way onto shore. The old man immediately went to his aid. "A-are y-you alright, young man?!" "Well, that makes getting out of here with my little vessel a bit of a hassle, depending on what kind of creature that is," Fresh mused, crossing his arms. "If it's a large enough beast, I'll be in just as much trouble as these guys were." Just as he finished his musing, he saw something a little unexpected. A second man emerged from the water looking rather exhausted and began staggering away from the shore. It seemed that the old man, too worried about Tobias, had not noticed this second person. Fresh decided he would be the one to assist him, then.

    "Oi," Fresh said, slowly approaching the man. "Are you alright?"
    Xan The G
    Xan The G

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Xan The G Fri Oct 05, 2018 11:55 am

    "I'm completely fine.
    This isn't my first shark attack.
    And won't be my last..."

    Replied Kiru. He only recognised the voice with a quick glance as he was first heralded, but he did not stop moving and did not look back again once he saw it was not the mercenary he travelled to the island with. Kiru was still using his closest hand to balance against the cliff face as he traversed the beach to the access path. However, he did pause for the sound of a horn that bellowed from the distance. It sounded ominous and came from in land.

    "Are you from this land?
    Do you know what that sound means?
    Are we in danger?"

    He asked matter-of-fact-ly, finally turning round to converse directly with the other man.
    Ace Fresca
    Ace Fresca

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Ace Fresca Fri Oct 05, 2018 12:33 pm

    Fresh made a mental note that this guy seemed rather sure of himself as the guy confidently assured that he was fine and just kept on slogging. Hopefully that was more on the being experience side of things rather than just being cocky. "Alright, then. It sounds like you're rather experienced." Fresh was pretty content with everything that Kiru had said. Until he heard it all again in his head. Shark attack? "Wait, hold on. Did you say that that was a shark atta--"

    Before the bounty hunter could continue, the deep bellowing of a horn covered the island. Whatever that horn just was, it didn't sound very good. It was either a sound of alarm... or a call for battle. Either way, it seemed that things were about to happen. "I'm as clueless as you, unfortunately," Fresh remarked, checking his flintlock pistol quickly to ensure it was loaded. "But I think it's safe to assume that we're in danger." His pistol was already loaded, thankfully, so he quickly threw it back in its holster. "Hey, old man, what does that horn mean?" Fresh turned to the old man, whose expression confirmed what Fresh was thinking. The old man looked even worse than just a minute ago. Clearly, that horn was not a good sign.

    "That horn... t-that means..." The old man began to shudder and shake, sheepishly wiggling for his pistol. "The Shark Man... is on the move." The old man looked around, as if his words were meant to make Fresh and the other two crap themselves. "Oh, good. Where is he going to be, then?" "Y-you're not terrified?!?" "Well, no. I told you before, I'm here to get rid of him." Fresh turned to both Kiru and Tobias. "Are you guys here for Marrazo, too? Also, what's this about there being a real shark? I thought this guy just had weird teeth."
    Xan The G
    Xan The G

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Xan The G Fri Oct 05, 2018 1:40 pm

    Kiru didn't wait around to walk back to the old man or the stranded mercenary. Mostly due to the stranded mercenary. When the first man walked back to the old man, Kiru continued forward, fleeing into the rocks to make his own way in land. The sound of the horn signalled to Tobias to get to his feet, as tired and worn out as he was. Now that he had been on shore for a little while, his drying body made his injuries all the more obvious. He had not come out unscathed, at it seemed at some point he was also attacked before the shark moved on to other pray, but Tobias stood to his feet much to the behest of old man, but as the old man began to scuttle inland, he paused, soon realising Tobias was not following him. Tobias was instead trying to advance to the man with the large, flat top walking back to them.

    "That man - the ninja! Where did he go? Is he with you?" Tobias mustered in his old, gravely voice. The old man still pleaded in the back of his ear to follow him back to his house, being one of the locals who made request of his and his recently deceased crew's services. Tobias wasn't heading the pleas, at least not at the moment. He had other pressing issues.
    Ace Fresca
    Ace Fresca

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Ace Fresca Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:53 pm

    It seemed that Fresh's person of interest wasn't particularly interested in having a chat or answering any of his questions as he continued on without a word. Fresh was hardly offended. He had just been attacked by a shark after all, he had every right to walk off and take a breather. Fresh decided that his best bet was to just leave him alone. Fresh had his own mission to take care of anyway, and he could more than likely handle it on his own.

    His mother's concern of having a crew rung through his mind, however, and he knew that it couldn't hurt to get some help from at least one of the two remaining mercenaries who had washed up on shore. Fresh turned to Tobias, who was already accosting him for possibly having a relation to the one that had just walked off. The old man was currently trying to insist that Tobias stay put – "No! Don't go out there! It's too dangerous!" – but his cries fell on very deaf ears.

    "Oh. I actually have no idea who that is," Fresh replied, trying to reassure Tobias that he wasn't here to cause him any trouble. He was, however, here to cause Requin Marrazo quite a bit of trouble. Fresh pulled out his query's bounty poster and showed it to Tobias. "I'm here for this guy. Requin Marrazo, the Shark Man. Is that why you're here as well?" Fresh didn't have much to go on for the last statement other than the fact that Tobias seemed like the fighting type, and he was armed as well. Fresh knew he was going to be asking quite a bit to get this guy to go with him after he had just survived a horrible shark attack and watched two of his companions get killed, but it was worth a shot.
    Xan The G
    Xan The G

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Xan The G Sun Oct 07, 2018 6:43 am

    "I came for the bounty on the Shark Man but-!!!!" began Tobias, before his injuries began to get the better of him. He drooped back down into a kneeling heap. It was rage and adrenaline keeping him awake. The horns had stopped which only meant that the patron ship of the Shark Man, The Jaws has passed the last scout.

    Kiru nestled into a wooded area and began to take off his main layer of clothing to squeeze dry them as best he could. Not knowing what the warning siren was warning of or where from, Kiru settled for the woods as a hiding place while he got himself and his bearing together. It providing a complex enough covering to conceal his tracks. Because of this detour however, he was still close enough to the shore to hear voices and make out dots which were people. He couldn't distinguish words or figures, but Kiru could make out a ship with an emblem on the mast and bodies disembarking from the ship anchored on the beach to search. Eventually Kiru recognised the dorsal fin of the attacker, seemingly ferrying parts of the wreckage that sank below waters. They were collecting evidence, which stood to reason if they knew they had immigrants come into shore recently but Kiru felt it surprising that they had such a good read on the pulse of the islands shores considering no one was at the shore to begin with. The horn must have been a warning of their arrival, but how did they know to come looking so quickly?
    Ace Fresca
    Ace Fresca

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Ace Fresca Mon Oct 08, 2018 9:42 am

    It seemed that Tobias was more than willing to assist in taking out Marrazo. Unfortunately, his body wasn't. Fresh could see as Tobias keeled over in pain that he clearly had taken too much damage from the shark that was still lingering in the waters. It looked like the broomheaded bounty hunter would be on his own, then. Fresh knelt down to get to eye level with the cringing Tobias. "You're far too injured. You should stay here, perhaps this old man has medical supplies at his cabin." Fresh looked at the old man to read his reaction to that. The old man, however, was rather occupied with freaking out.

    "Old man," Fresh called out, hoping to snap him out of his hysteria with his words. "Do you have anything that could patch this guy up?" The old man mumbled something quietly, and his eyes began to dart around as if he needed to get out of there right now. Fresh stood back up and approached the old man to hear him more properly. "Hey, relax. What is it that you're trying to say?" "The l-last horn has stopped... that means..." The old man almost into Fresh's soul with the rest of his statement. "They're here."

    After several moments of dramatic pause where the suspense could almost be felt in the air, Fresh nonchalantly said "oh, good. I'll be off, then." Without another comment, Fresh turned around and headed in the direction that the old man had pointed before. Hopefully the old man would take care of Tobias, as Fresh's current concern was decidedly much more important.
    Xan The G
    Xan The G

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Xan The G Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:10 am

    Kiru kept to himself in his makeshift camp shrouded in the foliage. He did his best to make a little sound and disturbance as possible. While there were faint sounds of what was occurring down at the shore, Kiru couldn't really see or hear anything to captivate his attention, left primarily with his own thoughts. It was difficult not to think about the fact he was now sitting in a bush in his underwear. He was unprepared for life. The hunts of his homeland were... convenient. Maybe not in the traditional sense, as he still had to camp and track and contend with monsters in their habitat, but he never needed to contend with an antagonising human before. It was all he could do to escape the other group that he bumped into on the shore and cover his own tracks. Much like he had with the mercenary troop on arrival, he was using the actions of the surviving mercenary and the two that were assisting them on the shore as decoys. He expected that the pirates would find evidence of their trail before his.
    Ace Fresca
    Ace Fresca

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Ace Fresca Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:19 pm

    The old man snapped out of his freezing fear for long enough to give attention to the wounded Tobias. "Your friends might have not made it, but I can make sure you do." Tobias, still simply kneeling and grunting in pain, slowly extended a hand to the old man, who attempted to hoist him up off of the ground. After three tries, he finally managed to pull the wounded mercenary all the way up and wrap his arm around his waist to give him some support. The two headed off to the solitude of the old man's cabin where Tobias could get some shoddy first aid and the both of them could hopefully get away from any further conflict.

    "I do hope those two can do something about this," The old man muttered, wrapping Tobias's bloodied bite wounds with bandages made out of cloth rags.


    Four men emerged from the newly docked boat. Their jolly roger – a shark's fin surrounded by a crossbones – clearly indicated that they weren't just a bunch of random travelers. These were the Requin Pirates, and they were here for a purpose. They were four brothers, and their age defined their rank on the crew. The second youngest and second lowest on the pecking order, Hai, spoke up first. "Do you think that was all of them, Aniki?" Hai looked to his oldest brother, Marrazo, the man of the hour. Before Marrazo could answer, the second oldest, Tiburón, chimed in. "Nah. These were outsiders, so we need to make sure." Marrazo grinned in response, showing off his horridly sharp and shark-like teeth. "Looks like we get to do a little more hunting."

    Marrazo pointed in the direction of where the bounty hunter had landed his vessel. "That's where the boat we first saw went. Hai, Same, check it out." Hai and the youngest brother, Same, nodded and headed in the direction they were told to go and unsheathed their sabers.

    "You know what to do, Tiburón." Tiburón grinned and cracked his knuckles, heading for the nearest shack. He had a large net strung around his neck like a cape, and it was going to be used to wrestle as many fish as they could out of the hands of these innocent fishing folk. As Tiburón left, Marrazo whistled loudly to the sea. A dorsal fin emerged from the water and began heading towards the shore where Marrazo stood. "Sweetheart, do me a favor and circle round the island. Then, meet me in the bay." As he spoke he made the same directional motions with his hand. The dorsal fin began to move parallel to the shore slowly and menacingly.


    Meanwhile, Fresh was attempting to gain a vantage point on the ship that had just come in. He had followed the way that he saw the man known as Kiru go, but was surprised by the amount of flora he was running into. "This is more foliage than I had expected," he said to himself, crossing his arms. "I need to get up higher to see what I'm dealing with." With that, Fresh began the arduous task of freeform scaling the side of the cliff adjacent to the miniature forest with nothing but his bare hands.

    His upper body strength had improved quite a bit since his journey had begun. However, his climbing ability hadn't. After scaling about only five or six meters, Fresh feel right backwards and loudly crashed into a bunch of bushes. Nearby birds immediately freaked out and flew into the air, squawking. It was one hell of a give away of his location if you had ever seen one. Fresh simply laid on his back on the ground, uninjured with his arms crossed. "Well, that didn't work."
    Xan The G
    Xan The G

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    Rowing Oaks Empty Re: Rowing Oaks

    Post by Xan The G Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:19 am

    Kiru wasn't alert to the falling mass, but he did hear the thudding noise it made when it fell into the wooding. He was on alert, clutching at the hilt of his broadsword to await what might approach him, but nothing did immediately. Then he heard a change in noise from the party at the shore. He glance down through a discrete parting he made in the front-end bushes, he could see the men dispersing in separate ways from the shore and that noise may have been spotted by one of the splinter cells. Kiru pulled back from the edge and crept towards the sound, he heard a voice mumbling to themselves and was mildly surprised to see the back of the same gentleman from earlier in the day. Kiru glanced left and right just to make sure no one else was around, before jumping on his back, attempting a choke-hold.

    "Nothing Personal,
    But you make a lotta noise.
    Continue your fall."

    He explained in a grunting whisper while trying to drag the man to the edge to throw him down the rest of the cliff.

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