Storyline Review Template
Please use this forum only for the following processes:
- Indicating a completed Storyline ready for review
- Indicating an incomplete Storyline you wish to stop and be reviewed now
When posting a pending process, please use the name of the storyline as the title.
Link to SL: Put the link to the SL here.
Characters/Primary Profession: Link the characters involved in the SL along with their name and primary profession.
Ship(s): Put the link to your current ship here. This ensures that we can properly modify your gains. If you just have a starter ship, just say so.
Context: Optional to fill out. Write down anything that would help the grader understand the SL better (i.e. Follow up to a previous SL, anything happened previously that affects the events in this SL, etc.)
Notes: Post any information such as special perks that grant you extra Beli, extra items/treasures, etc. If you are receiving a devil fruit in this storyline, make sure to include a link to your devil fruit claiming topic. If these are not included here, moderators are not obligated to give them to you.
The actual post should use the following template:
- Code:
[b]Link to SL:[/b]
[b]Characters/Primary Profession:[/b]