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    Everything is Martial Arts

    Xan The G
    Xan The G

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    Everything is Martial Arts - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is Martial Arts

    Post by Xan The G Wed Feb 13, 2019 4:00 pm

    [...2 Weeks Later...]




    "...10!" exclaimed the announcer. The gong was rung for the fourth time. The match as over. Yami lay on the floor, still. He was alive, but clearly unconscious. The other students went to collect him, as they had Ten before him. The Turtle school was now losing two matches to nothing. The martial artists representing the crane school were dubious. The Master's face showed it all as Ten stepped up for his match. Kiru noted the Master's suspicion and listened to the murmurs of the Turtle school students suspect that ringers had been brought in to represent them.

    "I'll take the next match," spoke Kiru. "If you have any advice... I'm still listening...." he added looking over his shoulder at the Master.

    "There is nothing more for me to say to you. It will be decided in one strike." replied the Master. As flat as it was, Kiru pondered the words, wondering if the Master had simply conceded the Turtle School loss already.

    "Contenders ready?" called the announcer. Kiru and his opponent both nodded in agreement. "BEGIN!" the gong hit again, signalling the third match. Kiru moves into his Karijutsu stance, sword-less. His opponent shifted their weight against the arena floor, sliding the sole of their front pump forward an inch, testing Kiru's reactions. Kiru didn't flinch or watch it at all. He just blinked. Taking him to be idle, Kiru's opponent darted for him to close the gap. Kiru blinked again, remembering his training. He spent two weeks in cement shoes to inhibit his body from naturally jumping away as other students rammed spinning Wing Chun dummies at him. He opened his eyes to the incoming kick to his face and all he could appreciate was how... slow, the attack was. As well as it being a singular, unambiguous attack.

    "Take This: Bushin-Sho!"[1] roared Kiru as he thrust a palm into chest of his airborne opponent. The force of his opponents jump carried them over his shoulder and into the ground with an ungraceful thud. The umpire began to count. The Head was flabbergasted, gritting his teeth and irate.

    "...10!" exclaimed the announcer. The gong was rung for the sixth time. The match as over. Kiru's opponent lay on the floor, still.

    "Winner - Turtle School!" exclaimed the announcer. Unlike the matches before, there wasn't simply applause, astonishment considering the speed with which the match was settled. Kiru descended from the platform back to the Turtle School group. He looked down at his sleeves, pulling them up to marvel at his forearms, streaked in red stripes from the bruises he sustained attempting to block the wooden dummies while he honed his ability to plant his feet and strike without his sword.

    "Just like you said, just one strike... truly amazing," Kiru remarked towards the Master. The master's expression didn't change, keeping as stoic and calm as he had from the moment they left for the tournament.

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    Everything is Martial Arts - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is Martial Arts

    Post by Kaitos10 Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:57 pm

    As axel watched the matches going on and listened to the murmers of the turtle school he realized this opposing school truly had no honor. If they where truly using ringers that is, he couldn’t believe they would stoop so low as to do this. Hopefully he and the other students could win since it would be a such a disgrace so loose to such cowards who couldn’t even fight them their selves.

    Eventually it was finally kiru turn and it turns out he ended the match rather quickly. It seems his training definitely paid off in the end, which was nice in deed hopefully his training was equally productive. For his training he was with the master, trying to learn to fight without worrying what his opponents next move would be, as well as trying to learn to focus threading a needle.

    Next finally it was Axel turn  so when he got up there after the fight started, he ran in and started punching viciously like a beast. The enemy was about to counter a few times but the hits barely effected him and soon after the onslaught the enemy went down.

    Last edited by Kaitos10 on Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:51 am; edited 1 time in total
    Xan The G
    Xan The G

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    Everything is Martial Arts - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is Martial Arts

    Post by Xan The G Sat Feb 16, 2019 3:37 am

    As Axel had his match, Kiru watched the expression of Han, the final student they had rescued. Kiru had not seen Han during the entirety of their trained session, which was obvious to Kiru as a result of Han's injuries. He was able to gather that Han was seen as the strongest pupil currently at the school and a leader among the students. Kiru imagined that those injuries, which still had bulges stitches and bandages presents right now, would keep Han out of the ring, that he would just be here for show, but with both Yami and Ten already being unsuccessful, it was clear that the only viable win for the Turtle School would be for both Han and Axel to win their matches. Unsurprisingly, Axel was very dominant, between his experience in martial arts and his quirky devil fruit.

    What Kiru didn't expect was for Han to be standing with his eyes closed murmuring to himself. It wasn't a consistent mantra. By the determination etched in Han's furrowed brow it suggested that Han was trying to recall something. Kiru figured it was some form of shadow boxing in realisation that he would have to fight. Just before Axel's final counter-strike, Han muttered something. Wit the atmosphere and other cheering voices , it was inaudible, but Kiru distinctly heard the word "low sweep kick" moments before Axel's opponent attempted to floor Axel with that very move.

    Han entered the ring. As he did, the head of the Crane School looked to his final fighter and very aggressive and unrelenting words with him. Kiru could tell the Head was threatening him and the other fighters that had already had their matches as well as hearing the words 'pay and 'hire' slip out. The Final combatant entered, amped up and aggravated by the last minute pep talk. He towered over Han, but not because of sheer bulky, being tall and well built. Han shifted into the Turtle School fighting stance and took a deep breath, closing his eyes.

    "Contenders ready?" called the announcer. Han nodded calmly while his opponent both vigorously shook his head and slammed his gloved fist into his palm. "BEGIN!" the gong hit again, and the combatant was straight out of the gate with a vapid running knee. As the combatant made his assault, Han's movements were precise and efficient, to the point of seeming choreographed, enhance by the fact he didn't even open his eyes at any point. Kiru turned to the Master for understanding, by the marvelling yet silent eyes of the Master revealed that this was not something the Master expected either. After a full flurry that missed, Han's combatant paused forgivably confused, having not landed a hit, not even to Han's guard or defence. He glanced hesitantly to the head of the Crane school who scowled at him.

    The combatant tried again, this time varying his style and approach. The same thing happened again, being unable to land a single hit. By now the crowd was beginning to hush and it seemed no one in the audience had an explanation. Han lowered his fists and took a passive, open stance, one that striking resembled the Master and opened his eyes.

    "There is no need to push this any further. It's clear I have the advantage. Yield." explained Han. "You will not win and neither of us have a need to get hurt proving that." Han's opponent felt dejected by the hopelessness in those words. He glanced at the Head of the Crane school who had vitriol and malice in his eyes. The combatant then glanced to the other fighters for the crane school who connected with his gaze with mutual understand. He gave them a knowing nod and one of them threw him a knife while  the others began to grab the head of the Crane School.

    "T'hell with this! You said it was just a bunch of punk kids we had to fight! We want our money! I don't give a damn about this school or this island! We're getting the hell outta here and you're gonna give use everything you got otherwise Kung Fu Hustle over here is gonn-" The pirate stopped. Kiru glance behind him, to see the Master with a straightened palm being released of the back of the pirates neck before he collapsed to the ground. The Master then turned to the other mercenaries taking his former friend and brother-in-arms hostage.

    Looking over, the Master was at first surprised that the head of the Crane school had not dealt with the other pirates going rogue, but realised that they had not simply taken him hostage, but were also threatening their weapons at members of the crowd and students. The Master began to take it in and raised a hand.

    "I concede!" he expressed. "I interfered in a match before the umpire officially concluded. This exhibition is the loss of the Turtle School to the Crane school! I acknowledge and accept my defeat!" he insisted. The pirates looked at each other. The head of the Crane school was also bemused by the expression of the Master, but he did eventually appreciate what he was doing and a sense of humility washed over him as he recognised all of the elements of risk and danger at play to which the Master's words were anwsering.

    "What the hell does that mean?" mentioned one of them.

    "...It means you sorry ingrates actually managed to earn your keep. Take your captain and your money and leave, before I changed my mind and every Grand Master on this island goes in search of you for what you did today," threatened the head. The pirates, cautiously at first, released their hostages and the crane school students holding the money released it to them. They collected their money and captain and scarpered from the scene.  The Master and Han were on stage. The Head of the Crane school tended to the students who had been held hostage momentarily before locking eyes with the Master and joining him onstage. The Master outstretched his hand, making his wrists available to the Head. The Head scoffed at the gesture.

    "Please. As if I could be both petty and stupid enough to see you and your students arrested after what these people just saw," the Head whispered. "But I'll humbly accept the victory of the Crane School all the same." The head turn away and with a clap, he signalled to his students that they were leaving. The staff began to regain the attention of the crowd and prepare for the next set of exhibition matches. The Master and Han descended from the stage to rejoin Kiru, Axel and the other school members on the floor.

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    Everything is Martial Arts - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is Martial Arts

    Post by Kaitos10 Fri Feb 22, 2019 6:09 pm

    As axel watched the match with han he was surprised when the man couldn’t land a single hit which considering there opponents bested the other two students of the school was quite the feat. Even if these guys weren’t that strong they should at least be able to land a single hit, eventually it seemed the match was all but won till the pirates made there deal known and took the crane school hostage.

    Axel didn’t really care they were basically getting what they deserved for trying to rig the match in there favor. They should’ve been more careful when dealing with pirates, sadly to his surprise the master jumped in and saved them causing Axel to visibly cringe he hoped this wouldn’t have a effect on the match but sadly he was wrong and hung his head in defeat as the master basically signed there arrest warrants for the opposition.

    Thankfully the bottom feeding crane school apparently wasn’t as bad as he thought or maybe they were just smart? This lead them to get off scott free, he was going to give the master a piece of his mind till he eventually realizes that the master was just trying to be honorable. He then went over to join the rest of the students and waited for there chance to leave.
    Xan The G
    Xan The G

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    Everything is Martial Arts - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is Martial Arts

    Post by Xan The G Fri Feb 22, 2019 7:33 pm

    "I don't understand," muttered a perplexed Han. "Master, is it truly over?" The Master turned to Han and tapped him on the shoulder.

    "If our differences are to be settled by fist, this was not the stage and battle to do so. Whether for right or for wrong, both of our school relied on fists that did not belong to us. Even if those pirates represented the Crane School, it is to our shame that we could not even challenge their eligibility. But I can say for certain that Yami, Ten and you, Han, represent our school splendidly." Explained the Master.

    "Han, the way you moved/ It was so fluid and smooth / Like you predicted." added Kiru. "Is that Turtle School? / I may be inclined to stay/ Longer than two weeks..." Han shook his head.

    "I'm not sure what it was. To be honest it felt like a headache, almost concussion at first, but during all of your matches I kept seeing... almost a vision of the way the pirates would move. It was fussy and imprecise, but in my own match, against me, it was a lot clear and sharper in my minds eye. Maybe it was the early stages of enlightenment!?" Han guessed.

    The Master took a few steps towards Kiru and Axel.

    "Young men, you have my gratitude for staying and representing our school in our time of need. Although the circumstances be unusual and highly unprecedented, be assured that the Turtle School shall always open it's doors to the both of you as honorary students. There is no doubt that your skills and prowess brought light and attention to our dojo. I'm sure your exploits in this world will do the same. Moreover, you helped me spare the lives of my students from the wrath of the Crane School..." The Master put his hands together prayerfully and bowed respectfully to Axel and Kiru. Han followed in the same pose, as did the other students present. "...we are humbled and honoured for your assistance. Thank you," finished the Master before raising his head.

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    Everything is Martial Arts - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is Martial Arts

    Post by Kaitos10 Tue Feb 26, 2019 9:44 pm

    Axel listened in to the conversation with the master and his students and heard the reason behind it which seemed reasonable but they were included by the opponent themselves it wasn’t like they were brought in as ringers right as the fight started still he could see the logic in the masters words.

    Axel then heard Kiru talking to Han asking about something he was wondering about but to his surprise it wasn’t turtle school at all whats worse Han had no idea what it was so questioning him would be pointless so he just chimes in saying “sure seems like a useful ability what ever it is would’ve been nice if you knew what it was so me and kiru could’ve tried to learn it.”

    Later on the master turns to them and started to bow expressing his gratitude so Axel bows back saying “It was my pleasure and it would be a honor to be a student at your dojo” he wondered what he should do now, he got to fight in a tournament like he wanted, should he train more here or leave it was a rather vexing decision. He decided in the end he would wait for kiru to decide as a tie breaker and try to see what he would do.
    Xan The G
    Xan The G

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    Everything is Martial Arts - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is Martial Arts

    Post by Xan The G Thu Feb 28, 2019 12:38 pm

    Kiru glanced down at his fist, clenching and unclenching to make a fist and then relax his hand as a smile emerged across it.

    "...Armed while yet unarmed...
    ...It is not what I'm used to...
    ...But yeah - count me in."

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