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    The Black Reaper
    The Black Reaper

    Posts : 329
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    Join date : 2018-08-24
    Location : Tokyo

    Statistics Empty Statistics

    Post by Sen Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:51 am


    These are the numbers that help to define how strong your character is when compared to everyone else around them. Five statistics are used:

    • Strength
    • Speed
    • Stamina
    • Accuracy
    • Fortune

    Through Storylines or site sponsored events or contests, a character will earn SD, the equivalent of experience points on OPNW. The amount of SD a character has will effect the amount of Stat Points (SP) they have, which are used to raise a person's Statistics. For all stats except Fortune (which will be covered later), one SP will raise the Stat by one point. There is no maximum to how much SP can be spent on one Statistic, but a character may not use more than half of their Stat Points on any given stat. All characters start with 32 SP, and these values do not count as SD Earned for the purposes of earning Traits and Purchasing Advancements.

    The purpose of stats is to determine a given character's relative strength when compared to another. It is ultimately in the hands of the player to understand and portray their character's physical capabilities in terms of their ability to interact with the environment realistically. A character with 5 strength could, for example, lift the same anchor as a character with 50 strength. The primary difference is that the character with 5 strength, in this particular example, would have a much more difficult time doing so than the stronger character.

    If you have any confusion about how your character should behave at a given stat level, keep in mind the following guideline: when in doubt, assume you have just enough to do what you want to do. Should your concerns be deeper, feel free to consult a moderator or admin.


    Strength is a measure of the character’s muscular or physical power. Essentially, any melee attack is focused on strength, however, it is important to keep in mind that without some investment in other statistics, your character will find it hard to hit their opponents, or to move in a manner fast enough to not have the attack avoided. This stat also affects the character’s ability to keep a hold of others, lifting strength, grip strength, as well as the force that can be applied to ranged melee attacks. For ranged fighters, an appropriate level of strength will be required to wield more complex, powerful weapons. In addition, higher strength means higher endurance. In other words, characters with higher strength will not require as much stamina to preform a task than a character with lower strength.


    Speed is a measure of how quickly a character can move, both as a whole, or in specific actions. It is also the main determinant of jumping abilities, or any other movements. It can also affect evasive abilities, but keep in mind, without the ability to perceive incoming attacks, a massive speed stat is useless for the purposes of evasion.


    Stamina is a measure of how sturdy a character is. It is a measure of their innate durability, ignoring things like armour. It also deals with their resistance to toxins and disease, and a person’s endurance for strenuous activities, towards temperature extremes, and also measures their overall vitality. Characters with high stamina will be able to survive with serious wounds for much longer than those without it.


    Accuracy is a measure of a person’s perceptive ability. It primarily affects aim and reflexes, and also allows the character to follow movements more easily, and react to things around them, although a reasonable level of speed would still be required to physically react. It is invaluable to ranged fighters, as an impressive perceptive ability allows them to hit harder, and requires less physical strength for their attacks. Melee fighters also need an appropriate level of this to actually hit their targets.


    Fortune is the basis of the Techniques system, dictating both the maximum rank of one's Techniques (half-fortune), and their pool of Technique Points (fortune multiplied by a multiplier specified in the Techniques section). It is unique in that it is calculated as the average of the other four base Statistics.

    While Fortune cannot be increased the same way as other stats, there still is a way to increase it rather than wait for the average of your base stats to go up. By using 5 SP, you can add 3 points to your Fortune score. However, by giving up 5 SP, you also sacrifice part of your base fortune. For example, the starting character has 32 SP to distribute, and thus, a base Fortune of 8. By giving up 5 SD for Fortune, they now have 27 SP, which results in a base fortune of 6 (fractions are always rounded down). The 5 SP would then give an extra 3 Fortune, making the final Fortune score 9, rather than 8. It is not simply 8+3, because you have sacrificed SP to make the change. This option must be taken in increments of 5, and no more than 25% of a character's total Stat Points may be spent this way.

    Stat Points (SP)

    As a character earns more and more SD, less SD earns you less SP. SD to SP conversions scale as follows:
    Total SD Earned SD to Stat Point Conversion
    0-200 1:1
    201-600 2:1
    601-1000 4:1
    1001+ 5:1
    This means that the all SD earned below 201 converts into an equal amount of SP. After that, more SD is needed to get SP. So if a character had 280 SD Earned, they would have 272 SP (32 + 200 + 40). The 32 is the starting SP the character has, the 200 SP is the SP converted from the first 200 SD earned (200 / 1 = 200), and the 40 SP is converted from the SD earned afterwards (280 SD Earned - 200 = 80; 80 / 2 = 40).

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